4|| Her ignorance

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Mr Osoro kept his eyes on the sleeping form hugging him.

How did they end up like this? One would ask.

Mr Osoro had simply taken the initiative after noticing how uncomfortable the lady not too far away from him looked while sleeping, her head and hands seconds away from slipping off her knees.

He was simply helping and he had spent a good long while convincing himself of that fact. Giving himself a plausible excuse for his "helpful" actions as he lent her a shoulder to lean her head on.

The underlying reason was definitely not because he wanted to be exposed to that smell he remembered only moments before. So unusually different from what he'd been exposed to on uncountable ocasions before.

Not the smell of expensive perfumes that stung and irritated the nostrils, it was simply light not to mention...natural.

...Inexpensive was it? He didn't know how women considered or differentiated between whatever they doused themselves with.

He quickly came to the conclusion that her scent was even better than he imagined. A lot of other questions he was beginning to have were left unanswered and they would be for a while.

Mr Osoro acknowledged this and went back to doing nothing more than waiting in radio silence. Keeping his hands that itched to feel her hands once more firmly pressed into the ground and his mind on the rising pain in his arm.

Strangly his eyes had sparsely strayed away from her after she fell off the adrenaline high and the shock put her to sleep. That was why he had quickly noticed her slipping.

Still...He had expected her to faint the moment the drop started so she had lasted a lot longer than his expectations.

Now, to the previous question on to why she was currently hugging his side?

Not long after he went back to waiting, occupied by his own thoughts. She moved and before he had the time to notice, her face was on his chest, her hand went around his waist, and a leg draped over one of his.

If she moved again and succeeding in shifting her weight, it wouldn't be a stretch to say she's start sitting/lying on him completely. Mr Osoro sighed.

"...A bad idea...this was definitely a bad idea," he mumbled to himself, running a hand down his face. This was the first time in a long while he had one of those.

He hadn't anticipated her becoming a koala in her sleep and had to work on retaining whatever sanity he had left and that included not...absolutely not looking down past her face.

One should be aware that her position left her very generous cleavage open to the eyes and when she had swung a leg over his, her skirt hadn't stayed stationary and had ridden up her legs.

For the first time in his life, Mr Osoro found himself at a standstill with no solution in sight.

If he got up and took off his jacket for her, pain in his arm aside, he'd only succeed in waking her and how would he go on explain their position. He had simply offered his shoulder for her to rest her head yet she hand stuck to him like glue immediately. Plus, if he tried to fix her clothes that would simply be perverted and he had no intention to try and explain that either. That in itself was especially perverted from any angle one chose to view it.

He sighed.

This was...new.

Minutes passed as he suffered in silence before the sound of metal against metal and heavy pounding began to mutedly filter into the elevator, succeeding in rattling the metal contraption dangerously.

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