41|| Undercurrents Flow Once Again

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"When were you planning to tell me, son?" The man began speaking softly, although his voice struggled to stay on that low octave, "-That someone out there miraculously caught your eye?"

Elijah stood at the floor to ceiling windows of the huge building, watching the cars leave one by one, shoulders squared and arms comfortably placed behind his back. The orange-red hues from the setting sun casted a fiery glow onto his face and gave him an almost ethereal silhouette. His entire visage was a sight that would stun many who gazed from the sidelines and the man behind him, sitting comfortably some feet away, did not loose out in this aspect.

Both men had been in comfortable silence just now, until the much older Osoro chose to break it with those few words.

Elijah did not immediately answer, he continued to stare down at the crowd getting smaller and smaller down below. It signified the end of yet another prosperous and fulfilling event, one that displayed the might of the Osoro name. What started as just a simple company event evolved into something far greater, being able to draw this many people.

Elijah, although he seemed calm on the outside was still distracted. In fact, for the past hour or so, he could barely contain the growing rage deep inside his chest. All his years of practicing restraint and self control went into that moment, that exact moment he almost did something that'd spoil the family name for years to come.

The day was going well before that incident. He recounted it with vivid memory.

He did his necessary duties, managed to keep a steady eye on Sophia, went over to extricate the annoying bee buzzing around his flower and got to put everything back into the clear once more, all while entertaining the few important people who chose to attend the event. This was all done to the best of his abilities.

All of that later went down the drain as he lost sight of Sophia once more and just as he was contemplating the crazy idea of finding her himself and chaining her to the table, just so he could properly keep an eye on her, she appeared out of nowhere once again.

Sophia was not alone, however, much to Elijah's horror.

He didn't even want to reimagine the sight of that man holding on to what was his...his Sophia. But he had to because Sophia had been behaving very oddly ever since that interaction.

He'd be lying if he said he didn't recognize that man either. His name that Elijah remembered was Ethan and Ethan's file was already brought out from the man dared to make a pass at Sophia.

Elijah knew something was terribly wrong here. He had a feeling and his feelings never lied. Something happened in that short moment she stood with Ethan. Elijah just didn't know what it was.

It was killing him slowly. Not knowing.

He only wanted to sit Sophia down and have her recall whatever happened, telling him word for word.

Even though that was what he really wanted, Elijah couldn't even find a moment to make his way to her side and it was truly unfortunate. Just as he was ready to throw caution to the wind,  twice as many people began hounding him as the event neared it's close.

Elijah was in a bad mood and it was as of a dark cloud stayed suspended over his head. That much was clear from his steely eyes that watched the scene below.

It was already decided though...Even while not being completely aware of the shit that went down, Elijah thought Ethan was truly an eyesore. People he found displeasing to the eye were bound to 'loose their way' somehow.

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