52|| Always Two Steps Ahead

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The day was quickly becoming colder and even more depressing than before. The sunlight that shown through gaps in the clouds barely carried warmth and only existed dully in the background of one man's world.

It was a hard stressful day yet fitting to all expectations. From the jump, Marcelo knew that there was never any guarantee that this whole situation could blossom in his favor yet like the vines of the world's most annoying fauna, he held on tightly. He had held on tightly to the possibility that in the end, his state would be somewhat less...sorry.

He took a deep breath and released an equally deep sigh. Was it karma? It sure as hell must be. After hearing only awful news back to back during his entire day, he became numb to the environment around him. Existing without purpose and having only a vague feeling of helplessness that kept stirring around inside his system.

Both helplessness and anxiety. And that wasn't all though....Marcelo, for the first time in quite a while, felt fearful for what to come.

With no other options left...what else could he do but come clean. Only a day had passed and Olivia was already a mess. His parents would soon appear out of the shadows with soul damaging criticisms and questions. A lot of employees would lose their jobs soon and many debtors and taxing agencies would go home with full bellies and satisfying smiles after properly sucking him dry. There was no passing the blame either, this was his loss to bear...his losses alone and the consequences coming from horrid decisions he made.

Marcelo was afraid because knowing all this, his only option yet was to wipe himself clean to the sole person that he wronged. He didn't want to imagine what would happen if that person were to find out indirectly. Those consequences would be even more dire should that man chose to take part in his slow but sure demise.

This was Marcelo's final attempt at atonement and as much as how it may seem like he was only doing this as damage control...he really was apologetic and the guilt that ate him alive made his skin flood cold sweat every other hour. Every other call and rings of his cell phone made him dispirited.

This was why, using the last of what was left of his reputation and some of his memories as Elijah Osoro's 'old friend', he found his way all over here. As if to emphasize his pitiful state, his gas was running on 'E' so the really was no turning back and no getting cold feet.

He didn't find this place immediately and had to go through a lot of trouble searching. After visiting Mr Osoro's office at Osoro.co, they proved to be a waste. His other detour to a random appartment somewhere else was also a waste, here was his final option. He remembered that Garcia, bless her soul, had been relocated to this specific place and that's why here was his final option.

It was huge building with an equally large landscape. It boasted exquisite sights and looked large enough to house more than three extended families. The land was extravagant, the design wasn't rich and the place was well guarded. Marcelo got through the gates easily as the main security officer held her post for years and was already familar with Marcelo showing up unexpectedly at their last station in the Osoros actual family home. Marcelo thought it was surprising that he still remained on the priority list when it came to this family.

The guilt and self-reproach he suppressed flared up even more as he thought of it so he pushed those thoughts far towards the back of his mind.

The first step was always the easiest but he couldn't pass up the feeling of dread that was slowly biting right through him as he parked his car, walked down the clean powerwashed pavement and went towards the tall main double doors. Taking another deep breath, Marcelo lifted a hand to the antique buzzer only to pause midstep as the door swung open right in front of him.

 Midnight Neighbor ||18+Where stories live. Discover now