9|| Realization

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"Sophia, are you okay?"

Sophia jumped, almost dropping her tablet from her hands from the sudden voice that came from behind her. She whirled around to see Sera, one of her team members standing there.

Sophia sighed, partially in relief then smiled, " Yeah I am...why wouldn't I be?"

Sera stared at her strangely, "I dunno...you just look a little bit...jittery since you came in today."

"No I -"

Sera gasped, looking around once before she leaned towards sofia, "Is it because of the accident? Did we go overboard with the welcoming party?"

Sofia smiled, shaking her head, "No no, it's fine, I swear."

Sera nodded but she still appeared unconvinced. Sofia could do nothing about it.

The party was only a small get together with only her team members and supervisor. Sophia was told later by one if them that Ethan had organized it to make her feel welcomed after such a 'traumatic' event. They'd originally planned to buy some cupcakes so so going along with Ethan wasn't a problem.

It was such a nice gesture and Sofia was ineeded surprised but...

That wasn't what was bothering her at the moment. On one hand, it was the gazes she got from people from other departments that made her eye twitch.

Of course, they work in media so they must've been wondering about a few things. Already drawing and connecting the dots between the news reports and her sudden disappearance. Sofia expected that much.

They must also be wondering why this accident was allowed to be dragged through the media for a total of 2 full days. Everyone knew of the usual way situations like these were dealt with and must've found it strange that another department hadn't blocked the news completely. Which lead to the crux of the matter...their gazes were accusatory, suspicious even. She could even hear a few whispers, silent rumors circulating about some unexplainable money issue.

It irked her at first but Sophia would rather them think that rather than suspect that she got comfortable with a certain unreachable person. Thank fuck that that piece of news didn't slip.

Seong, ever so reliable kept his lips pursed and acted just as uninformed like everyone one else.

Her other problem though...

She was worried, afraid even, that Elija-no, Mr.Osoro might pop up out of nowhere like he did last time.

She found that she liked her quaint normal life both in an out of work. Regardless of the sudden 'wealth' she accidentally 'fell' into.

Just remembering how the entire building got flooded after his sudden return from wherever the hell he'd disappear to made her angsty... the man was an attention magnet. She did not want any of those eyes to slide towards her, neither did she want to start drawing the eyes of her coworkers and become the subject of their quest for hot gossip.

It would be akin to living under a microscope. He was probably used to it she was most definitely not.

There were two lanes here. Was it a crime if she wanted to stay glued on to hers? Regardless of the fact that he made her stomach flutter with just one look.


Why'd it have to be him.

He was simply too...influential.

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