19|| Blessing

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Jiho was convinced that the heavens had burst open and the sun was shining its heavenly rays down on him.

He swore that if he looked up, closely he could even see the bright light of a God, an entire deity opening its arms and sending its blessings and goodwill down on him.

He felt free, free as a bird. As free as he was on those few months of Mr Osoro's lengthy trip to the country of Japan.

He sat in one of the cafes inside the Osoro.co building on the lower-most floor. A sundry and eating area which had been specifically added by Mr Osoro in recent renovation plans to 'enrich' the lives of workers and allow them a space to have lunch when they needed without leaving the building.

Jiho knew it had less to do with enriching their lives and more to do with funneling money back into the company through menial purchases that would definitely add up overtime.

Mr Osoro was always one to be seeking profit but anyway that wasn't what was important here.

Jiho took a sip of his special blended drink, non alcoholic because of course he was still on work time, then he smiled to himself.

Ah...this was the life.

He was free and all it took was a simple yet unexpected new variable. A variable that came in the form of stubborn yet feisty woman who trapped and ensnared his big brother with her lovely feminine wiles.

That had to be what happened. Jiho was sure. His big brother had to be caught in her web and this was the greatest outcome of all.

Before her, Jiho had suffered, heaven knew his suffering. Waiting on hands and feet for orders. Standing at Mr Osoro's beck and call, waking up at the crack of dawn and coming in before the lights could properly light up the day.

Jiho remembered their visit to the site days ago and could only cringe. They walked for hours with the guide and Mr Osoro hardly broke a sweat, it was only him in the back struggling to keep up with the small group.

The only consolation he got was a bottle of water from the guide, a judgmental look from Mr Osoro for struggling to keep up and pitying glances from Micheal and the others. As if it was his fault he was unhealthy and didnt live in the gym on most weekends. It was a surprise Mr Osoro didn't immediately throw a personal health coach his way.

Al of this was only the tip of the iceberg of his suffering, to put it into perspective. Jiho couldn't even complain, he could only suck it up and work because after all, this was fitting for the heavy load of work that would be dumped on an assistant for the man called Mr Osoro.

He could almost hear his mother's witch-like laughter in his ears. His lifestyle before now was what landed him in this position. He did indeed lived and carried himself like a rich last generation teen until way up into his early adult years.

He had made his bed with sheets of nails and could only lay in it.

All that was a certainty before, but now...

Jiho was free and unburdened.

He glanced up at the figures sitting before him. First looking at Micheal, then his gaze slid to the hulking man, another bodyguard who went by the name of Alex and finally to the last one. Joshua, a dark skinned man who looked in his late forties, his beard already going grey in some areas, it was evident he forgot to dye it like he repeatedly did to his hair to hide the graying.

All three had solemn and lost expressions, staring down at their untouched drinks with lifeless eyes.

Jiho wanted to laugh but held it back for their sake.

 Midnight Neighbor ||18+Where stories live. Discover now