51|| Two Truths and a Lie

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The day was cold and the streets were wet from the small amounts of rain and looked nothing short of depressing. People walked through those streets, avoiding each other, their faces void of emotions, hurtling on to their monotonous daily tasks. It was the height of the day yet none of that reflected on the face the people, especially one specific man that slowly made his way through the scattered crowd of commuters. He looked lost but at the same time he was pensive.

Right now, the was no meaning to the life he went through tboth and nail to hold on to with both hands. No meaning to the fragile highclass statuses and definitely no power left to be held. He was nothing and he basically had nothing. And that statement was made very clear by the woman who looked down her nose at him as she spoke sardonically the day before.

She was right in a way, Marcelo thought inadvertently. Right now he felt like his his entire being was in a sorry state. Because of heightened desperation he'd resorted to going behind a trusted friend's back, doing the unthinkable all for money to satisfy selfish needs and keep what was now a shivered husk of a business afloat.

Because of desperation, he threw away his morals and did something that no one in their right mind would resort to. Could he be blamed though? At that time, just the idea of his parents looking down at him with disappointment was enough to make him irrational and idiotic. Marcelo realized how that yes, he could be blamed for his past actions. He felt worthless now but he knew that the true consequences of his actions have yet to come.

Jihos mother, Julianne who spoke some very scalding words towards him before sending him away was not even a pinch of the consequences, she was only the start. And as a mother, he understood that she was simply concerned for her child.

She hadn't said she knew of their financial plights outright but Marcello knew she must've already did. It was even implied.

And the worst part in all of this? The main thing that Julianne suspected...Marcelo hadn't even thought to do. Marcelo really hadn't planned on using Jiho or the connections he had to remedy his situation, not even once. But who would believe him? His past actions have already proved that nothing he did or said could be trusted.

Marcelo stopped for a bit, leaving the crowd and walking to stand at the side of the street near the tall glass windows of a fast operating small cafe business.

He needed a breather, most of all. He could barely think straight and his conscience had been riding him like a damn jockey ever since the small exchange with the woman that showed up unexpectedly at Jiho's door.

It left him thinking, he really was an awful person, going against this family under the scenes while also indulging himself to his heart's content with a man from that same family. It was inconsolable. Marcelo had never felt this way about himself until now and it felt as if his entire world was crashing apart.

No doubt that that would probably be the last time he ever had the chance to intimately interact with Jiho. Their little...secret was a secret for a reason. Now that the woman called Julianne Osoro knew, it was surprisingly enough that she let him walk without trying to take an eye out of his skull first.

Marcelo could see it, as clear as day, that when it came to this side of Jiho lifestyle, she hadn't accepted it...not one bit no matter the empty statements she fed to Jiho. She was simply being tolerant and what else would that Osoro family be if not tolerant.

That family never had been normal in Marcelo's opinion. What kind of family that could allow their kid to leave and simply move on as if they'd never existed be normal in any way? He could only hope that Jiho wouldn't be the next one following in those footsteps.

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