•Chapter Ten•

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"I just can't believe it, I mean I thought there was something Jo, I thought he already felt it. Everything that happened that day was almost to perfect and this is his fault for ruining it." Zach ranted.

Jonah sighed.

The two bestfriends has finally reunited after almost a year. Jonah arrived at 8 in the morning surprising Zach at his apartment who surprised him back with a fluffy and red eyes from crying, so the brunette had nothing else to do but to explain to Jonah everything that's happened between him and Jack. And now it's already 2 in the afternoon and the two is talking about the happenings yesterday and why Zach is crying.

"That's the case Z, you only 'thought'."Jonah started, emphasizing the word thought with his fingers acting as the quotation marks. "It's not his fault for saying that because in the first place this is the reason why the both of you are doing this couple things right? You both are just doing this for the paps and for his dad. So the one who is at fault here is you, because it's you who let yourself assume things that's not bound to happen."

And damn the last sentence hits Zach the most. Jonah's right, like always. He let himself think and assume that everything that's happening between him and Jack could lead to something more. But look who's suffering now, look who's the mess.

"Gosh I'm just so stupid! It's only been 2 months since we started dated Jonah and I'm already a mess! I fell first and I didn't even held myself back!"

"Um I have two corrections, one it's fake dating and two you already fell for him even way back in high school that's why you got yourself drunk on that party and kissed him remember?" Jonah smirked.

Zach just rolled his eyes and bowed down to hide his blushing cheeks, suddenly remembering that exact moment of stupidity he did. The reason why Jack despised him more back then.

"Ugh Jo, why are you always right? I sometimes get jealous of how you're always right and everytime I ask for your thoughts your words are always full of wisdom." Zach spoke while rubbing his face with the palm of his hands, silently thanking the God above for giving him a friend like Jonah.

"Well Z, that's becuase I'm here to keep your head right because admit it or not it's full of stupid thoughts and decisions." Jonah playfully tapping Zach's temple causing the two to chuckle.

"Well enough of this topic we're here to reconnect and have fun not to have a dramatic bestfriend talks." Zach said jokingly. "So let's hang out outside? I'll give you a little tour."

Jonah thought for a bit.

"Hm I have a better idea, what if you invite Mr. Avery. You know because I have the right to know the person who's making my bestfriend wrecked like this." Jonah wiggled his eyebrows.

"Jonah! C'mon man, you already know him way back in high school." Zach groaned.

"Precisely Z, I knew him way back in high school meaning I only know the old Jack and from what you told me earlier..." Jonah coughed and began to make his voice sound like Zach's but more dramatic. "He's changed so much Jo! He's not the dick we used to know in high school!"

Zach found it hilarious so he laughed at his friend who joined him after saying those words.

"But Jo! I don't want to see him yet, I'm not ready yet."

"Ugh goodness stop being dramatic! I swear you're more dramatic than my sister. C'mon you'll invite him or not? If not I'll call him to tell him you already have feelings for him even way back in high school." Jonah threatened.

Causing the smaller brunette one to widen his eyes and gasped.

"Oh you won't!"

"Oh yes I will!"




"Have you forgotten that I'm Jonah fricking Marais? Everything that I plan to do, I'll surely do it." The taller one smirked, sensing that the smaller one is going to give in any minute now.

And for the nth time Jonah's right again, not even a few seconds have passed a groan and a sigh was heard.

"Ugh fine I'll call him to try inviting him." Zach said grabbing his phone completely ignoring Jonah who was having his silent victory dance.


Jack's POV

"He just left me dumbfounded inside that car, Drey. His mood suddenly changed after I said that, I mean he was okay the whole ride." Jack sighed.

Audrey rolled her eyes, of course Jack is being oblivious again, he always is.

"Oh my Jack why are you so stupid and oblivious?" Audrey said her voice ringing with frustration while rubbing her temples.

"What?" Jack asked draging the a.

"Don't 'what' me! Can you tell me again what you said before his mood changed." Audrey asked her voice raised a little.

"Um it was, 'it's nothing and besides this will make a great pap pic' , but why did he react
that way? There was nothing wrong to what I said." Jack said scratching his head, completely lost.

"Goodness what are you the CEO of Stupidity? He was hurt!" Audrey answered completely done with her friends' stupidity.

"Huh? Why would he be hurt from what I said? He–oh no."

Audrey's furrowed eyebrows were now raised, thinking Jack already got why Zach reacted that way. She leaned closer to Jack's desk.

"He doesn't like paps?"

Audrey slammed herself back in her chair completely done with her friend, suddenly having the urge to throw her cup of coffee at Jack's head, maybe by that he would think straight (but he's gay– ok imma stop sorry skdksk). God why did you give me a friend this stupid? Audrey thought.

"For fuck sake Jack he has feelings for you why are you so oblivious!" Audrey finally said.


"Are you not connecting the dots? First off he's mostly the one to invite you whenever the chance he gets, two he completely dumped his own fucking rules for you, and three he got angry at you for saying that because for me personally I think he's already assuming that things would actually work between you two. You get it now thick head?" Audrey pointed out, almost doubting at herself if she should be Jack's secretary or counselor.

Well fuck. Jack thought.

But as if on cue, Jack's phone rang displaying Zach's caller I.D. Jack looked up at his friend who was smirking in complete panic.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Don't give me that panic look, answer him idiot."

Jack gulped the lump in his throat before pressing his thumb at the green button to answer Zach's call.

"H-hello?" Jack answered mentally slapping himself for stuttering and glaring at Audrey who he caught laughing silently.

"Hey Jack, um my friend Jonah wants to meet you so I was wondering if you could join us later?" Zach asked from the other line.

The curly head's eyes widen as he looked at Audrey who was leaned in his desk listening the whole time.

"Say yes." Audrey said silently.

Jack hesitated for a bit but eventually agreed to the brunette boy's invite. The two stayed in call for a few minutes to discuss the details of their meet up later but after a minute or two they exchanged goodbyes, cause the other one still needs to get ready.

"Hm someone has a date today." Audrey sang before sipping her coffee and giving subtle glances at the curly head who was not hiding his heating cheeks.

It's not going to be bad right?

The number of stupidities I've wrote damn. But that's the update for now, hope you like it. Watch out for my updates and yeah make sure to vote and comment because you guys are my strength.


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