•Chapter Twelve•

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"Zach c'mon stop ignoring me. What did I do?"

"You've been ignoring me since we were at the cafe."

Jack begged while trying to focus on the road as he was driving.

But to no avail, the brunette still ignored him.

When he noticed that Zach won't really acknowledge him, he had enough and stopped the car.

Zach perked his head up that was previously leaning on the car's window. Confused why they were stopped in the middle of nowhere.

After almost forever to Jack, Zach finally glanced his way and asked.

"Why did you stop?"

"I won't start this car, unless you tell me what's wrong."

Jack said, twisting half of his body so that he was faced to Zach.

"Nothing's wrong Jack, just start the car already, wanna go home."

Zach muttered quietly, leaning his head again against the cold window.

If you still don't know, after Jack told Zach about the news, well the brunette didn't take it well, atleast he didn't show it to Jack obviously.

It's just, he thought there was already a connection between them, he thought Jack felt the sparks, he let himself thought that Jack would actually reciprocate what he feels, but boy now he's so damned cause he was wrong, so wrong.

What Jack told him earlier was a big slap for him to leave fantasy and wake up to reality.

"No! I know there's something Zach, tell me." Jack pushed.

Now the brunette being so overwhelmed with all of today's events, he finally had enough, he just wants to go home, cuddle with his sheets and sleep all of these problems running in his mind away as if he was solving them in his dreams.

"Fine, I'll start walking then." Zach muttered and got out.

Jack huffed in frustration but opened the car door as well to follow the brunette.

"Zach, don't be like this!"

Jack said while reaching for the smaller boy's arm and faced Zach to him.

"Fuck, can't you just leave me alone?!" Zach snapped.

As he stared furiously at the now shocked Jack in front of him.

"What? Do you expect me to leave you alone here and walk home?"

Jack said after he recovered himself from shock.

Zach scoffed.

"As if you really care for m–"

"Well I do!" Jack cuts Zach off.

Silence filled the both of the for a second.

"Look Z, I don't know what I did for you to be like this with me. It makes me think that what if you were all just faking everything and still hates me even when we fake dated. If this will make you feel better I already told dad the news–"

"How can that make me better Jack?!"

This time Zach cuts Jack off with a raised voice and tears slowly streaming down his face. His heart is shattering. Fuck why does it have to be like this? All he wants was to be loved and to be in love.

Fuck it. Fuck this. Fuck everything.

This is it, Zach thought, he'll tell Jack the truth.

"I- I like you...Jack" Zach whispered weakly.
"I like you even way back high school, that's why I did everything just for you to notice me, but I didn't thought that it'll lead you to hate me. You don't know the pain I felt everytime you say hurting words at me or you beating me up. That should make me hate you but no I still care Jack, I still like you, I'm still head over heels for you. I even forgave you after all the shit you've done to me even if you weren't sorry. That's how I like you Jack."

Zach wiped the tears running down his face but fresh new ones keep on rolling down.

"And now we're here, we had progress yes, I actually thought that this will lead to something good but fuck I was wrong once again, so wrong. You know why? Because I still ended up being hurt by you Jack! I hate how stupid I am when it comes to you!"

Zach is now a mess, he's full on crying at the middle of the road.

While Jack, he was pretty shocked, he still couldn't comprehend what Zach just confessed to him, the same guy he likes.

"Z-zach- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- I- you're not stupid, I am."

Jack rambled. Not really sure what to say.

But Zach shook his head sniffling.

"No, I'm just one of those stupid guys who fell for your games."

As he said those words, he immediately turned to completely cross the street, not noticing a vehicle on a fast speed on his way.



Sorry it took too long and sorry for the cliffhanger.


But stay tuned, peace out! 😉


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