•Chapter Three•

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Jack's Pov


He turned his head towards me and I was right.

His curioused look turned into a frightened look.

Zach, let's just say I used to bully him back when we were in High School.

Back when I was still a bad ass, well I still am but not as much as back in High School.

He stepped back when he saw me took a step closer to him.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked stuttering.

I smirked,"Still scared of me after all these years,Herron?"

"N-no,I was just surp-surprised you're here."He said,trying to sound tough.

I chuckled.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you,baby."

He rolled his eyes, his expression not nervous anymore.

"Still didn't change after all these years,Jack?"He said mocking the words I said earlier, and smirked.

Wow, he's confident now huh.

"Where did you get that confidence,bub?" I asked still smirking and walked closer to him.

So we're only a foot away. I saw him gulp nervously but he still remained tough.

"That's none of your fucking business."He spat out and crossed his arms.

I raised my hand in surrender,"Woah there,I'm here to make a mends with you,not have a fight in front of a club."

He stared at me for a good minute.

Since I sense him not going to talk, I just rolled my eyes,grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the nearest cafe.

Ignoring the tingly feeling I have, when our hands clasped together.

We stepped inside the cozy cafe and walked over to the cash register to order.

"Hi! Welcome to Mia's Cafe, what would you two lovebirds like to order?"A middle aged woman greeted and smiled at us softly.

"Oh,w-we're not-"

"W-we're no-not t-together,ma'am."

Both Zach and I stuttered as we both tried to tell her we're not together.

She looked at us confused and dropped her gaze between us.


We followed her gaze and- shit.

I was still holding Zach's hand.

Zach immediately took his hand off of my grip,so my hand was left cold again.

I looked at her awkwardly,but she just ignored what happened,or so I think. And still continued to get our orders.

We got our orders and found a booth near the back beside a window.

The tension between us is still visible that's why none of us talked for the first few minutes.

I don't want our 'catching up' to be awkward so I decided to man up and started a conversation with him.

"So,what happened to you after we graduated?" I asked, crossing my arms on the table.

He stopped tracing the outlines of his cup and rolled his eyes.

"As if you care what happened to me,Jack." He said angrily.

"So what if I am?"

Shit I didn't know where that came from, it just slipped fuck.

I slowly began to panic but I just played it off infront of him and just plastered my signature smirk.

I guess I pulled it off very well because I caught him off guard.

"Oh c'mon,you and I both know you don't." He said matter of factly.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

"C'mon I'm just trying to have a conversation with you, don't be rude."

"Fine."He said in defeat.

"Soooo..."I started.

"What?"He asked.

"You didn't answer my question earlier."I said.

"Well, I worked at a music shop for a year and a half and then dad got a promotion and told me I don't need to work anymore since we already have enough money, and now currently living my life, going to places I wanted to go." He answered.

I nodded,"Wow."

"How about you?"He asked.

The tension between us slowly faded away as we continue to talk, and thank Goodness for it.

"Well, same as you I'm also livin'my life as 'The Jack Avery"." I sighed putting hand gestures of the quotation marks while I said my name.

When I said those words, realization hits his face.

"Wait, wait, wait."He said.

"what?"I asked confused.

"You mean "The Jack Avery"? The youngest richest man in this generation.That's you?!"He said sounding so surprised.

I slowly nodded,"Um yeah.Isn't it obvious?"

"Well duh! I didn't know Avery is your last name now, back in high school you were Stanford (A/N:Hehe I know let's just pretend it is,its just for the story.) remember?" He said.

"And besides! I expect you to wear gucci suits! Not some camo pants and a Ramones t-shirt!"He continued and pointed to the shirt I'm wearing.

I just shrugged and continued to drink my coffee.

Silence welcomed us once again and this time thank goodness it's not awkward.

Then after a few minutes Zach decided to talk.

"Since this happened years ago,"He started.

I looked up from him to pay attention.

"Why did you bully me when we were in High School?"He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him,"Well duh! You kissed me infront of the whole crowd on Christina's party! Also infront of my girlfriend that time."I answered him.

"I was drunk!" He said trying to defend himself,"I immediately said sorry when I became sober!"

"It already happened,Herron. We can't change that."I said.

"What can I do to make you forgive me from the mistake I did many years ago!"

As he said those words, an idea immediately came to my mind. You know like in movies, when you have an idea, a light bulb appears beside your head, I think that happened to me.

I smirked at him, crossing my arms on the table and leaned closer to him.

"I think I know what you need to do."

Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuunnn!

Wow someone is actually reading this trash, THANK YOU!


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