•Chapter One•

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Jack's Pov

Being one of the youngest richest man in this generation is not easy. Of course you can say that I can buy anything I want, I can have everything I want but I don't have the actual freedom I really want.

"Jack, your dad wants to see you in his office now." Audrey informed me as she entered my office.

She is my secretary but she is also my best friend,we've known each other since as long as I can remember,she was my first friend who didn't treat me like a royalty but she just treated me like I'm a normal teenager,not the youngest richest man they all know.

I sighed but still got up and followed her towards my fathers office.

We took the elevator, and she pressed the number which floor my dads office is.

Seconds later, the elevator dinged,signaling that we have arrived the floor my dad is in.

I followed her towards his office, and opened the door for me, muttering a goodluck.

I just rolled my eyes and stepped inside my dads office.

When I got inside he was reading on his newspaper, and didn't even heard me came in.

So I faked cough,to get his attention.

His head snapped up and looked at me smugly.

"Jack,my son,I asked Audrey to get you so I can share you this amazing news." He started.

"And what news is that?" I asked,crossing my arms.

"Well,since my term is ending being the head in this company,I decided to give you my term,you're going to be the next head in our company." He said crossing his arms on his table.

My mouth was left agape as he said those words.

"But!" he continued, "The rest of the team is not agreeing the thought of you not having a partner or someone when you finally have your term,so we decided to have you an arrange marriage with the son of Mr. Seavey, the head of the Seavey Company."

What the hell?! Arrange Marriage?! To someone I don't know?!

"WHAT?! are you fucking crazy?! are you out of your mind?!" I shouted.

No this can't happen to me.

"Don't use that tone on me,Jack. And yes arrange marriage, you will marry his son so we can join forces with their company,and besides more money." He smirked.

"Are you even my dad?! You thought about money but you didn't even thought for your own son?!" I shouted, feeling the lump in my throat.

No No No No No.

He sighed,"C'mon Jack,I'm helping the both of us, I'm helping you find the love of your life and I'm helping me get us more money."

"No! He is not the love of my life! How can you know that? Are you on some vodoo shit? I can find my own love life without your help!" I answered back.

"How can you be so certain, you can find that love of your life,hm?" He smirked, I'm so disgusted by this man,I don't even know if he is my father anymore.

"So what if I am?" I argued.

"Okay! I want you to find that "love of your life" in the span of a month. But if you fail to find 'em then I'm sorry you have to marry Mr. Seavey's son." My dad challenged me,smirking.

"Fine!" I answered and turned around to leave in this hell hole called my dads office.

When I got out, I saw Audrey sitting on one of the chairs on her phone.

I think she heard me got out because she looked up from her phone and looked at me.

"So, what was the talk about?" She asked as I sat beside her sighing.

"Well, my dad wants me to replace him as the head of this company." I started.

She squealed,"That's great Jack! W-"

"But!" I cut her cheering off,"the team doesn't agree with me, having a turn as a head in this company without a parnter, so they decided to arrange me a marriage with Mr. Seavey's son."

Her mouth gaped open,"That's bullshit dude!"

"I know."

"Well, we need you to forget about this shit for awhile, so I say c'mon you need a drink." She said standing up.

I sighed,"you're right, this is too much, I need to loosen up." and followed her towards the elevator.

Hiya! So that was the first chapter, well an intense first chapter soooo did you guys like it? No? Well ok better luck next time self, see yah next chapter!


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