Two Videos and Five Plane Tickets

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                                        *Scott's POV*

        "OK. So, do we have everything packed and ready to go, except the camera?" I asked. I couldn't wait to surprise Danielle. She'll never see this one coming.
        "Yeah. Shall we start the video?" Mitch answered, then questioned back.
        "We shall." I said.We set up the camera and everything to make it look normal. "1.2.3. Go....."
        "Heeeeeyyyyyyyy Danielle!" We all said. We started the video normally, but then edited it so that the clips of us opening her presents filled up mos of it. After the clips ended, Mitch said, "In case you didn't get our letter, we basically said that we always, always, noticed your tweets, favorites, comments, and everything like that. You're One Special Girl, Danielle. And you have to know that, and be reminded of it almost everyday. We've got to go, sadly. But you'll know why later. So see ya later!" And he winked at the end. What is with him and winking?
        "Why do you always wink, Mitch?" I asked him.
        "What? Wink? I do that?" Mitch said, trying to act clueless.
        "You failed at clueless, OK. Tell us, Mitch. You are losing this battle." Kirstie (or Kirstin) stated.
        "Fine. I wink because...... because....... I don't know? I don't know, OK." He said. I'll get it out of him later.
        "Let's pack up the camera. We have a while to leave for the plane to Ohio Airport, Arlington Heights. We'll leave in about an hour to get there on time," I said, grabbing the five tickets and walking around. "Why don't we grab some food before we go?"
        "Sure. Where should we go?" Mitch said.
        "Starbucks and then that little bakery down the street?" Kirstie said.
        "Yeah. Let's go." I said grabbing the keys. We got in the car and rode to Starbucks. We all got either coffee or iced tea. The, we went to the little bakery and got croissants or muffins. We drove back to the house to grab our things and headed to the airport. It was about a 5 minute drive to the airport, and we were still about 3 minutes away. I decided to turn on the radio, and it happened to be "The Ballad Of Mona Lisa" by Panic! At the Disco. I turned it up and we all started singing. Basically that was the rest of the ride. Singing and shouting over the blasting music. We got to the airport, and we still had about 30 minutes before our lane was being boarded. We sat and talked about our break, and how it's been so far. Oh, how I was going to miss Cali. 
        "1o minutes to board flight # to Arlington Heights, Illinois."
        "We better get going." Kevin said. We all nodded our heads and walked towards the guards. We showed them our passports and tickets, and went on to the plane. I got a window seat, Mitch sat next to me, and then Kirstie sat in the aisle seat. Then in the row behind us, Avi sat in the window seat, and Kevin sat in the middle seat next to Avi. God, they were really best friends. I plugged my headphones in and started listening to music, and the first song that came on was "Secrets" by OneRepublic. My eyes started getting heavy, and I fell asleep. 
        "Scott. Scott. Scott!" Mitch said, shaking me. "Look out the window." I opened my eyes and turned to the window. I looked out and saw a field that was met by trees.
         "We're here." Mitch said, smiling. We soon landed and got out, and then grabbed our suitcases. We called a cab, hopped in with our things, and rode to the complexes. I looked out the window the whole way, but glancing at my phone every once in a while. I saw a bunch of fields and a bit of trees here and there. We soon arrived at the complexes, and they were beautiful.We got out of the cab, grabbed our things, and walked over to the office building to ask where *BLOCKED LOCATION* was. We then walk to it, and unlocked the door. It was a bit small, but what do you expect for an apartment building? We each set off to explore a bit, even though there wasn't much to explore. I found a hallway that had a bedroom, a small closet, and a full bathroom. Kirstie had found another bedroom. So, there were only two bedrooms, one bathroom, and one small closet. In the bedrooms, there were closets, but small ones. There were a few desks and drawers here and there, and there was a kitchen. It was still a small kitchen, but it could do. There was an open space that was connected to the kitchen through a doorway. The open space was a living room connected into a dining room. It was nice for an apartment.
        "Why don't we unpack, and then get to the second video?" I asked.
        "Yeah. Let's get to it!" Mitch replied. 
        "Wait, there are only two bedrooms. Who will sleep on the beds?" Kirstie asked.
        "You can have one of them, Kirstie. I'll sleep on the floor or on the couch." I said.
        "You can't sleep on the floor! You need a bed." Mitch protested.
        "No, it's fine. I'll sleep on the floor. I'll be fine. Mitch, it's you that absolutely needs something to sleep on." I replied.
        "I'll sleep on the recliner." Avi suggested.
        "I'll sleep on the couch." Kevin said.
        "You two can do that. I'll sleep on the floor." I said. I was not giving up this battle.
        "I'll sleep in one of the beds. Mitch can sleep on the other, and then Scott will sleep on the floor of Mitch's room.Kevin will sleep on the couch, and then Avi will be in the recliner." Kirstie said.
        "That's a good plan," I agreed with her. So did everyone else.We all settled in, and I grabbed the camera. "Let's get rolling!"
And with that, we made the second video.
        "1. 2. 3. Go..." Mitch said, sitting down.
        "Heeeeyyyyy Danielle!" we said in sync.
        "As you may be able to see," Mitch said, gesturing around him, "that we have a bit of change in, well, things."
        "Let me show you around here then," I said, as I got up and picked up the camera. "Here is the living room," I turned around to the guys, "It's a little small, but it'll do for now. Here is the hallway leading to a bathroom a bedroom and a small closet. Then, down this other hallway, there is another bedroom." I walked around, explaining where everything was. I hope this was a bit recognizable. "And when you walk into the living room, there is an open space going into the dining room. If you turn to your right in the dining room, you'll see the kitchen," I paused, breathed, and then sat down with the camera. "OK, so now you have a jist of that, I will ask you one question. Did you recognize that little bit? Reply back right now if you do or not. When I reply back, start the video here." I said. We waited about 30 seconds before Mitch started talking.
        "If you don't recognize it that much, then here." He picked up the camera, and turned around to open the curtains. He opened them, and waited for the camera to focus on the outside. Once it did, he said, "Yeah, I know. You must be fangirling a lot now, right? Probable, hah. By the sight, it's pretty over here. You can tell where we are by the level, and the sight. You can probably come over a little later so we can officially meet." He winked at the end. I need to talk to him once this video is done. "We should probably get going, we still have a little bit of things to get done."
        "Yeah. So, I guess we'll see you later? If not, just DM saying you can't. We'll understand." I said.
        "So.... Bye Danielle!" Avi said, waving and smiling. We were done with the editing, and now I had to just send it to her. She'll get them tomorrow. It was pretty late, and I still had to talk to Mitch.
        "Hey Mitch?" I asked.
        "Yeah?" he answered.
        "Can I talk to you, alone, please?" I questioned.
        "Sure. Let's go somewhere to talk." he said.
        "OK." I said back. I grabbed the keys to the house, and we walked to Starbucks.

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