Chapter 1: The Call

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Katie's POV

I sipped on my coffee as I read my book. I was barely halfway and couldnt seem to put it down. I've only been reading it for a few days. I adjusted the glasses on my face when my phone began to vibrate.

I looked to my coffee table to see Melissa's face pop up on my screen.

Odd. She never calls on her days off anymore.

Slightly unnerved I pick up the phone and swipe it.

"Hello?" I answer softly.

"Katie?" Came a voice back.

"Hey, Melissa. How is everything?" I smile.

"Actually I wanted to know if we could meet? I would rather talk in person" she says quietly.

My smile slowly fades away when I realize she sounds upset.

"Is everything ok? Why dont I come to your place" I respond.

"I would rather not stay here" she mumbles.

"Ok. Then come on down here. Do you need help with Huxley?" I ask.

"I do have him, but I wont need any help. I'll be there in a little while" Melissa says.

"Ok. Drive safely. I'll see you two in a bit."

I hang up and set my phone back down on the coffee table. I put my book next to me and got up. I had to prepare for Melissa and Huxley to get here.

I knew that lately Melissa and Chris have been arguing more. Huxley is merely a month old. I couldnt understand what had changed in such little time. Melissa said that he was becoming distant and was arguing before Huxley was born. I had hoped that they were only arguing because of the stress of having a baby. Now I fear there is much more that I dont know about.

I tidied up the livingroom and bedroom just in case. Before Melissa was pregnant we would still have sleepovers every once in a while. Once they were expecting a child I saw less of her. It broke my heart because I had a crush on her. I still do but I've learned to restrain myself.

Just as I was getting a blanket, the doorbell rang. I hurried to open it and greeted Melissa. I took the baby bag she was carrying and she set the carseat down carefully on the table. I peeked beneath the blanket to see the baby boy sound asleep.

I turned to his mother and gave her a hug. I rubbed a hand on her back comfortingly and pulled away to look at her face.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"We had another big fight" she says quietly.

"Oh, Mel" I sigh.

There was silence for awhile as I held her. I guided her to sit on the couch and she looked at her lap.

"We're getting a divorce" she whispered.

"A divorce? You just had a baby together a month ago!" I say shocked.

Melissa stood up and sighed. She began to pace and ran her hand through her hair.

"I know, I know! I really wanted to make it work, but theres just no way. I wanted to stay together for Huxley, but now I think being apart will be best. I dont want to be fighting all the time" Melissa groans.

"If you think thats best. It just seems sudden" I say honestly.

"I know. We have been fighting for almost as long as I was pregnant though" she grumbles.

I stay quiet as she sits back down. I try to think of what to say but cant. I dont know the whole story but I will support my friend.

We suddenly jump as Huxley makes his presence known with a cry. I pull back the blanket covering his carseat and carefully unstrap him. I gently pick him up and craddle him to me. As I rock back and forth I still think of what to say. Huxley eventually quiets down and instead looks up at me.

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