Chapter 9: Coffee and Headaches

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Katie's POV

I hold my breath as I look at Melissa's mom. My hands feel clammy and I dont make eye contact with her.

"I'm not stupid Katie. A mother knows her child better than anyone. Now, is there something going on?" She asks. Julie doesnt exactly sound mad but I could tell she's frustrated. I take a deep breath and finally look up.

"There is nothing going between Melissa and I right now" I respond.

"Right now?"

"I cant lie to you. I do have feelings for Melissa but Im not going to force her into anything. I dont get the impression she might like me too one day so Im doing my best at being her friend" I say honestly.

Julie is silent for a while and I shift my feet nervously. I wasnt sure how she would react to a woman having feelings for her daughter. I was hoping she would yell actually.

"If there was anyone I would want to finally make my daughter happy, its you Katie" she says quietly.

My eyes go wide and I can feel my jaw drop.

"W-what?" I stammer.

"Youre right. Melissa hasnt shown interest in women before, but I could tell theres something about you. It's up to the both of you where it goes from here, and its going to take some time for me to get used to, but take care of her Katie. She's been hurt time and again before. Dont add onto that list" Julie sighs.

"I'll do my best" I say softly. Once she leaves I go to change while in my stupor. Did I just get permission from Melissa's mom to date her daughter?

My head swam and it was hard trying to act as if I was fine when we got back home. Finally the day came for me to have coffee with Colin and I can speak freely about all of this stuff happening.

"Hey, I'm going to head over to meet with Colin. Do you or Huxley need anything before I leave?" I ask her. Melissa is folding Huxleys little onesies and smiles at me. I almost dont want to leave them.

"We'll be fine Katie. Go enjoy your coffee" she smiles.

I leave before I could change my mind and make my way to the coffee shop. Once I get there I see that Colin is already there.

"Hey! Come sit down. I got you some coffee" he says. I sit doen with a huff and grab my cup.

"You wont believe what happened yesterday" I grunt.

"Oh? Go on tell me. Lay it on me" Colin says. He leans forward on the table and I laugh.

I begin to explain to him what happened between Julie and I. He sits and listens mostly.

"Well, thats interesting. Do you have a good relationship with Julie?" He asks.

"I've only met her a few times. Thats why I was so surprised when she said that" I explain.

"Now, thankfully you havent died but what was it that was threatening your life?" He smirks.

"Nothing, just some comments that Melissa made" I blush.

"Sure it was. Seems like maybe you have a chance here" he says.

"Dont fuck around Colin. Melissa isn't interested. She just got a divorce and has an infant son. What makes you think I have a chance?" I mutter.

"Well for one her mom said that Melissa showed signs of interest. Second, she's making these comments and doing these things that give off a feeling of likeness" he says.

"I dont know Colin. I want it to be true so badly but I fear this is all a figment of my imagination" I sigh.

By now we both drank two cups of coffee and I realize that I've been gone a while.

"I should be getting back. This was nice Colin. I appreciate you allowing me to rant to you about my predicament" I smile.

"Of course. You're still my friend Katie, and I'm here for you if you need me" Colin grins.

I hug him goodbye and go back home. As I turn the key to open the door I stop. Should I do it? Should I take a chance at seeing if Melissa were to have feelings for me?

My thoughts are broken when the door suddenly opens.

"Katie? What are you doing standing in the doorway? Come in!" Melissa chuckles.

"Sorry I spaced out for a second" I say sheepishly.

"Must've been some coffee date" she says.

"It wasn't a real date. Colin and I have learned that we're not meant for each other. He's actually dating someone else now. It was just nice talking to him as a friend today" I smile.

"Oh, I thought you guys were rekindling your relationship" Melissa chuckles nervously.

"No. How is Huxley? Is he asleep?" I ask. I'm changing the subject because I feel like its upsetting her.

"Yeah, he just went down for his nap not long ago. I would say lets do something, but I've got a bad headache" she says.

I could see her close her eyes while rubbing her temples. My heart aches seeing her in pain and I usher her to the couch.

"Where does it hurt?" I coo.

"Just, everywhere I guess" she mutters.

I sit down on the couch next to her and turn so my body faces hers. I reach out and start to massage her head. I feel her gradually begin to lean on me and I guide her to my lap. Once she's confortable I hear her groan and I nearly choke on air.

"That feels really good" she says sleepily.

"Why dont you take a nap? Maybe that will help your headache. I'll be right here" I say quietly. She utters another response I cant hear and I continue to massage her head.

Melissa's POV

I was restless the whole time that Katie was off on her coffee date with Colin. Were they planning on getting back together? Was Katie still interested in him?

I have no idea why I cared so damn much but it bugged me. I tried not to think about it so much and focus on Huxley. He was my little distraction for a while until it was time for his nap. He didnt go down without a fight but as soon as he was I heard someone at the door.

They didnt come in and so I went to open it to find Katie there. She seems to be in a trance and only came out of it when I spoke up. Then I could feel my head pounding. When Katie sat me on the couch and started to massage my head it took everything in me not to moan.

Katie was really good at masages and it was starting to put me to sleep. She suggested that I take a nap but I felt bad for making her massage my head.

"Im comfortable but I know youre not. Can we change positions a bit?" I ask.

"Sure. How did you want to change?" She reaponds.

I push her lightly to lay down on the couch and I lay somewhat on top of her. This was a very intamte position but I knew she would be comfortable this way if she fell asleep too.

Her hands made their way back into my hair and I wrapped my arms around her. I could get used to this. She claimed that the coffee date wasnt really a date but it felt that way to me. Just as I was falling asleep I could feel her hands stop.

I peeked up and saw that she had fallen asleep first. Seeing Katie that way made me feel things that I was afraid to unravel. Too scared to know exactly what it was. Yet something deep inside already knew the truth.

After watching her for another moment or two I thought about this feeling. I didnt like it and of course that damn headache came right back.


Hey Raccoons! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know there wasnt a whole lot from Melissa so next chapter there should be. Still taking suggestions and feedback if yoh have any. Stay trashy!

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