Chapter 15: The Assistant

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Katie's POV

I was looking in the mirror trying to get my earring on when Melissa walked in behind me.

"Do you need some help with that?" she smiled.

"No, I can do it. Do you need any help with Huxley?" I ask.

"He's ready to go. I have him in the car seat distracted with his toy" Melissa says.

Her arms make their way around my waist and pulls me closer to her. Considering I'm bent over the sink, butterflies erupt in my body at the contact. I stand up right and turn around to Melissa. My face inches from hers.

"You'd better be careful Ms. Beniost. We are on a tight schedule" I tease. Melissa merely smiles and kisses my nose.

"Guess we shouldn't keep them waiting then" she smiles.

We grab Huxley and leave the apartment. Today we were meeting up with Anna Marie and her assistant. Since she was now in charge of costumes and props, she asked for our input as to what we would like to see. I was excited to see the changes.

When we arrived at the studio Anna Marie was talking to another woman about something. She had light brown hair and was jotting something down on a clipboard.

"Well, if it isn't the women of the hour. Lauren and I were just talking about what ideas we were going to show you today" Anna Marie smirked.

"It's nice meeting you both. Remember these are just ideas. We're open to any suggestions that you two might have in mind" Lauren smiled.

"Thank you. This is Huxley. Hope you don't mind that he sits in" Melissa chuckles.

After everyone fonds over Huxley we make our way to the dressing room where there is a row of clothes lined up along the sides of two smaller rooms.

"Katie your characters costumes are on this side and Melissa's are over here. Try them on see how they fit. Let us know what you think!"

Melissa and I grab an outfit each and go to change. Huxley is busy playing with some toys in his stroller so we were fine leaving him with Anna Marie and Lauren. I quickly put on an outfit that was formal attire. It was form fitted black dress pants that had a belt that tied in a bow. My blouse was white silk that tucked in. The sleeves were the perfect length and despite it being formal attire they were actually quite comfortable.

I stepped out of my dressing room just as Melissa did. Her dress was formal as well with a v-neck cut. It was form fitting but not too tight. It was a baby blue color with a small slit on the side. I knew I was staring but couldn't find the will to look away.

"I vote yes to the dress!" Lauren smiled.

"I like it too! I don't think Katie has any complaints either" Melissa smirks at me.

I look away finally with a blush and run hands over my pants to smooth it out.

"Damn Kate. You don't look half bad" Anna Marie teased. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

At the sound of our voices Huxley decides he's feeling left out and start to fuss. I see Lauren walk over to him and pull him out of the stroller.

"Are you feeling left out handsome? How does your mommy look? I think Huxley approves" Lauren grins. I was amazed that Huxley seemed ok with being held by a complete stranger.

I look over to Anna Marie and see that there's a look in her eye that I know all too well. The woman was smitten.

"Had no idea that you were good with kids Lauren" Anna Marie nervously scratches the back of her neck.

"Considering I only see you at work it's not a complete surprise you've never seen me with one" Lauren shrugs.

Sending the need a moment Melissa and I continue to try on the outfits. When I've finished going through mine I grab Huxley from Lauren.

"Melissa we do have one extra outfit for you to try on" Anna Marie nods to one on the rack.

Melissa disappears into the dressing room and I hear a squeal. When she step out she's in her super suit but there's a twist.

"It's pants! Don't get me wrong I love my shirt but those outside scenes are freaking cold sometimes!" She squeals again.

"Can't take the credit for that one. Lauren thought about the idea and put it together for you. Glad it seems to fit and you approve" Anna Marie drawls.

Melissa gives Lauren a hug and jumps a little.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I love it!"

Huxley follows his mother's example and screams out with a smile. I smile at him in my arms as we wait for Melissa to change back into her regular clothes.

Melissa's POV

I was so excited for my pants. Finally I won't have to shiver while we're filming outside in the cold Canadian air. I remember Katie had told me about her friend having a possible crush on her assistant. After spending some time with them it was obvious to me that she did.

It was good to see Huxley doing so well with a stranger and I was curious how she did it.

"How are you so good with kids Lauren? Do you have any?" I ask.

"No I don't. I'd love to one day though. I've just always had a knack for kids I guess. I used to babysit my neighbors kids when I was younger" she responds.

"Well, at least you know you'll do just fine once that day comes" Katie smiles.

"I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later but I have to find someone who will put up with me first" Lauren laughs.

Anna Marie tries to hide her blush but I saw it slowly creep up on her. I look over at Katie who's still holding Huxley and can't help but smile. I feel like I have found that someone.

Katie caught my eye and raised an eyebrow. I tried to play it off that I was looking at Huxley but knew she didn't believe me at all.

It was so weird to me that I didn't see it sooner. Part of me even felt guilty because I just recently got a divorce and I'm already moving on. Yet as I look at Katie as she makes funny faces at my son I can't help loving her. She's my confidant. She's my best friend. She's my assistant.


Holy cow. So yeah I dropped off the face of the earth. Hope you liked this fluffy chapter and who knows, there may be more to come! Let me know your thoughts, comments, or suggestions.

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