Chapter 4: Gloveless

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Melissa's POV

I took a deep breath as I stood outside of the room where my soon-to-be ex-husband and our lawyers were. My hand shook as it reached for the doorknob and my stomach was in knots. When I finally opened the door, Chris sat in a chair at the large table with the lawyers. I sat beside mine and didnt dare look at Chris in the eye.

I barely heard what they were saying until I heard my son's name. My attention snapped up and my hands made fists. Would he try to take him from me?

"In regards to your son Huxley Robert Wood, do you wish to make an agreement of custody?" One lawyer asked.

I made to speak but Chris' voice drowned mine out.

"That boy is no son of mine. He may have my DNA but I dont plan on making trips to two houses. Im definitely not flying solo either. If Melissa wants him she can have him" he growls.

I stare at him dumbfounded as the lawyers pull out more papers for us to sign. I watch as Chris signs away his parental rights. Huxley is now only mine. I was shocked at how Chris threw away his son like another object in our house we had to split.

I was prepared to fight for my son with everything in me and here I am. Gloveless. I was willing to throw punches and here I am signing papers with sole custody of my baby boy.

The rest of our meeting went by in a blur and so did the car drive back to Katie's. I opened the door with my new key and knew I was zoning out. For whatever reason Chris not wanting anything to do with his son was heartbreaking. How will I explain this to him when he's older? How will he react? Will he blame me?

"Melissa?" A voice calls. It interupted my thoughts and I blinked out of my stupor.

"Huh?" I said dumbly.

"Are you ok? How did it go?" Katie asked.

I finally looked at her and saw how concerned she was. Huxley was resting on her shoulder with a little blanket draped over him. I reached for him and Katie gently transferred him to my arms. I walked to the couch and sat down. Suddenly emotion took over and I started to cry.

I cried for myself, my son, and my marriage. I kept crying and felt comforting arms surround me. I leaned on Katie's shoulder as I cried and Huxley began to fuss. He could sense my turmoil and I set him in a carrier we set in the livingroom. I still cried while my friend held me.

Soon I stopped and Katie continued to hold me. One arm secured its way around my middle and the other ran through my hair. I had always liked my hair played with. It was soothing and I closed my eyes. I was so grateful to have someone like her in my life.

I knew that I would be back filming soon and sighed. I had already planned having a babysitter on set for me while I worked. Leaving Huxley with someone else was going to be a challenge for me. He was still so small and had never been with a stranger before.

My thoughts were interrupted when Katie ushered me to bed. As I changed she grabbed Huxley from the carrier. When she came back I was laying in bed. Katie set him in his crib before changing and joining me. She immediately held me when the lights were off. I clung to her soothing embrace and buried my face in her neck.

Today I got a divorce. When a fight was expected I came out gloveless. Now here I am with my best friend feeling like even though my world is crashing down, I have hope of smiling again.

Katie's POV

The day of Melissa's divorce she had been so broken. We were back to filming and she had gotten a little better everyday. Her face didnt look as tired and she smiled genuinely more.

She had hired a babysitter to watch over Huxley while we were working. I could tell that she didnt exactly like this, and neither did I. We had just finished a scene when I had a feel of unease. Melissa was talking to the director about something and I searched for Huxley.

The babysitter and baby were in a small room so that his cries couldn't disturb production. I noticed him, in fact crying, and the babysitter with a concerned face. I walk over and open the door to hear his wails. They break my heart and I reach for him.

"I've tried feeding, burping, and changing his diaper. I cant figure out what's wrong" the babysitter explains.

I hold him close to me and let one of his small fists wrap around my index finger. I lightly bounce him as I coo.

"Huxley, darling, it's alright. I'm right here. Your mommy is here too but she is working. There's no need to cry, darling" I coo.

His wails start to calm down and he sucks in air from his little bout. I move him to my shoulder and rub his back comfortingly. I could hear his small whimpering but his crying has stopped. Suddenly Melissa bursts into the room.

"Whats wrong? Is he ok? What happened?" She frantically asks.

"I think he just missed his mom" the sitter smiles.

"He's fine now. Hopefully he'll fall asleep before our next scene" I say. I hope that we move on from what the sitter just said, but butterflies are in my belly.

Being called Huxley's mom was new and exciting, but I wasnt his mother. Melissa came closer to me and went to look at the babys face behind my shoulder.

"He does look like he needs a nap. Thank you for doing that Katie" she says.

I can only smile since I dont trust that my voice will be steady. I begin to move about the small room as Melissa watched until Huxley had fallen asleep. I gently laid him in a playpin we had brought and laid his baby blue blanket over him.

Before we leave the room we both turn to the sitter.

"Hopefully he'll stay asleep for awhile. If he wakes up try to feed him and he should stay quiet. Thank you for watching him" Melissa says.

"Of course. He's really lucky to have you two" the sitter smiles back.

We leave back to the set and Melissa gently grabs my arm. I turn to her and she is chuckling at me.

"Whats so funny?" I smile.

"The sitter thought you were the other parent" Melissa responds. My cheeks burn from blushing and I turn away.

"I hoped that you missed that part" I muttered.

"I thought it was funny" she continues to laugh.

I try to to hide my embarrassment from her and Melissa merely walks away with a smile. We continue on our filming and I steal glances at the room Huxley is in. What I would give to really be his other mom, but I cant. His very recently divorced mother would never consider it.

Even as I watched her now the very image of her seemed unreachable. She was the enigma of offlimits. I turned back to the room and thought about what I had done. My bond with the baby boy was clear. Perhaps his mother could have consoled him, but it was me that he wanted.

I turned back to Melissa to find that her ocean blue eyes were already trained on me. I wanted to put on my fighting gloves then and there to see what we could be. To see if she would really consider being in a relationship and letting me be a part of Huxley's life. Yet, I hoped I would be able to do so gloveless.


Like I said I'm starting to lose steam here. Sorry for the really slow updates. If you give me suggestions to what you want to put in the story it may go faster. For now I dont know when the next chapter will be out. Stay trashy raccoons!

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