Chapter 8: Visitor

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Melissa's POV

I tried to stay awake to greet Katie when she got home but I ended up falling asleep. As I woke up I realized that I was in the bedroom. I turned around to see Katie facing away from me still sleeping. The urge to hold her was greater than my will. I wrapped an arm around her slowly trying my hardest not to wake her up. Katie stirs and grabs my arm. I could feel her tuck it underneath hers as if hugging it and continue to sleep. I breathe a sigh of relief and close my eyes. I willed that Huxley stayed asleep for a little while longer so that I could stay this way.

I few moments later Katie turns to face me. I keep my eyes closed so that she thinks I'm asleep.

"Did you get cold?" she mutters.


"Are you cold?" she asks again.

"No, why?" I say sleepily.  I feel her get closer to me and I open my eyes. I see sparkles in her emerald eyes and she smiles.

"You do realize that your hand is up my shirt then, right?" she whispers. I immediately snatch my hand away from her body and hold them close to me.

She starts to laugh and I glare at her while my face burns. Huxley then begins to move around and I sit up to look at him. Katie gets out of bed and I see a part of her shirt is slightly lifted. Probably from where my hand was. She gently picks my son up and cooes to him. I see him look at her and a little smile spread across his face.

"How was dinner last night by the way?" I ask. I stand up from the bed and follow her out to the kitchen.

"It went really well actually. We're going for coffee the next time we meet. We're not sure when that will be yet though" she smiles.

"Oh, that's good" I respond. I was struggling to understand why my stomach felt so weird. I should be happy that she's excited and going out again. I shake off the feeling and help her make breakfast.

Soon we're done eating, Huxley is changed and fed, and we're on our way to work. When we get there I notice Katie texting someone.

"I'm going to meet Colin for coffee next week. Is there anything planned that you need me for?" She asks.

"Nope. You're free to do as you please" I smile. For some reason I dont really want her to go but I have no reason to keep her.

"Good. I'll try not to be gone too long so that youre not alone with Huxley" she smiles.

I smile geniunely this time and look away. Somehow she's still thinking of us and making sure we're ok. I feel less down on things and we go to work. Im putting on my supersuit when there's a knock on my door.

When I open it, after I zipped myself up, my jaw hangs open.


Katie's POV

I finish buttoning up the blazer on my suit when my phone rings. I tap the screen of my phone and see there's a message from Colin. It takes me a minute to open my phone and figure out how to respond.

You'd think I'd know technology better from my character.

Colin: try not to die before we have coffee

I roll my eyes at his text and start typing slowly.

Me: based off the way I was awoken this morning that's going to be very hard

Colin: what do you mean? What happened!?

Me: I'll tell you at coffee

I try to turn off my phone and when I fail I just leave it on the table. Stupid devil box.

I look around the set for today and look for Melissa. When I dont see her I feel a little disappointed.

"Whats wrong? You look like you lost your favorite book" Chyler says. I turn to see her already in her DEO uniform.

"Oh, nothing. Just waiting for us to get started" I shrug.

"How are things with Melissa? Is the little stinker still keeping you guys up at night?" She asks.

"Everythings fine. Huxley actually stays asleep most of the night now. Theres only a few times that he needs a change or he ate too early before bed" I smile. I really love that boy.

"Thats good. Speaking of them, wheres Melissa?"

Before I could say anything I spot her talking to a woman. They look very alike but the other is obviously older. Melissa walks over to us and I smile at the woman. Now that I've seen her closer I realized it's Melissa's mom. For some reason I grow nervous and my hands begin to sweat.

"You remember Katie and Chyler, right mom?" Melissa smiles. It almost seems pained and I know that something is up.

"Hello! It's been a while since I saw you two. Katie I hear that you took my daughter and grandson in? There's no funny business right?" She says. My face goes beet red and I feel like I'll faint.

"Mom!" Melissa scolds.

"No! No funny business. It's nothing like that" I laugh nervously.

Melissa's mom narrows her eyes at me but drops the topic. I try to avoid Melissa's mom enough that wont be suspicious. It worried me that now several people have asked if Melissa and I were together. Am I really that obvious about my feelings? If I knew there was a chance with Melissa I would be excited, but I knew she doesnt.

I try to act calm while Im acting despite Melissas mom watching my every move. I could tell that Melissa was unnerved too. We were nearly finished for the day when Melissa walked over to me.

"Im hoping my mother just wanted to visit at work and wont follow us home" she mutters.

"If she does want to come over I wouldnt mind it. Im sure she would want to spend time with Huxley" I murmur.

"Youre right. I just dont want to be asked a million questions about the divorce or where things go from here" she says sadly.

My hand moves on its own and I move her hair behind her ear.

"I can help you shut down the topic if it comes up. I think she should be able to catch up with both of you though" I reapond.

"Thanks Katie" she says. She then stares at me for a moment.

"What?" I chuckle.

"You look good in a suit" she says simply. Melissa then walks away and I stand there for a moment.

Once I've gathered my thoughts I turn around to take off this outfit. I run into to someone and realize that its none other than Melissa's fucking mom. Trying not to die just got infinitely harder.


Yellow Raccoons! Another chapter already! Sadly this is where I get stuck again. Look out for suggestions or requests! Hope youre liking this story still. Stay trashy!

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