Chapter 2: The Moderator

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Melissa's POV

Katie and I get ready for bed quietly. I check on Huxley one last time before getting into bed. I was pulling the covers over me when I spot Katie caressing the babys cheek with her finger. She then came over to the bed and laid down next to me. Her star wars shirt and shorts were cute.

"Nice pjs" I laugh.

"You dare mock the greatest movie series in the galaxy?" She gasps. We both laugh then and settle down.

"Good night Katie. Thank you for everything" I whisper.

"My pleasure. Good night Melissa" she whispers back. She turns off her lamp light and we lay down.

As I start to fall asleep I remember that she can be a hugger. I smile at this and close my eyes. Its been quite the exhausting day.

The next thing I know Im waking up to crying. Oh, my wonderful boy. I cant wait for you to learn to sleep through the night.


The next morning Im exhausted and I know my friend is too. I feel guilty but she insists that theres no problem. We getting ready for filming and I pack up Huxley's diaper bag. I wouldn't necessarily be in any of the scenes, but I still will be helping direct for now.

The rest of the cast was eager to meet my son and he stared at them with curious eyes.

"Omg I think I'll die of cuteness" Chyler squeals.

"He is really cute Mel" Azie smiles.

"Where's baby daddy at?" Jeremy asks. I stumble as I didnt plan on how to tell them about the divorce.

"Um,..." I stammer.

"Probably off filming an episode for his show. Speaking of, dont we have our own to get to?" Katie laughs. Everyone continues to joke around and going to get ready. I mouth a thank you to Katie and she winks.

I carry Huxley's carseat over to where the directors are. We talk about what will be going on today and I sit down. I use my foot to gently rock the baby and hope he takes a long nap. Today they would be filming some scenes for the final season. It was all scenes that didnt include me in them. There wasnt very many but it gave me time to focus on my son meanwhile.

The day drew on and finally they were nearly finished.

"Mel why dont you do a scene or two? We've got some time, and you're here anyway" one of the directors says.

I hesitated for a moment. Katie walked over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Dont worry. I've got Huxley while you're up there" she smiles.

"Thanks Katie. I'll do a few scenes today but then I get home to put him in bed" I concede.

I make my way to hair and makeup for them to quickly transform me into Supergirl. As I sit in my chair I look for my son. I hear a babbling and notice his little hands waving about. Katie is holding him in her arms and making funny faces at him. The little one month old is estatic and gurgles back at her. It was such a beautiful sight that I almost cried.

The woman doing my hair announced she was done and I got up. I was walking toward Katie when a sound caught my attention. I turn to see my husband stomping his way toward us. I reach Katie and Huxley while he stands there glowering.

"First you dont come home last night with little explaination, and now you're back to filming? While our son is here?" He snarls.

This was not the Chris I married. I had no idea what had happened in the time that we got married and I became pregnant that he changed. I stood my ground in front of my son and my friend.

"Its only a few scenes and Katie offered to care for him. I am not a teenager that needs to tell you my location at all times, Chris" I snap back.

"I am your husband. I have a right to know where my son is at least" he snaps back.

"I dont believe this is the time or the place for this. Chris, I suggest you leave to cool off before you continue your conversation with your wife civilly" Katie says behind me. I step aside so that I can see her.

Huxley begins to slightly fuss and she starts to bob to calm him.

"Who the fuck are you? The moderator?" Chris snarks.

"I am simply trying to keep the peace in front of your infant son. As you can see this is already upsetting him" Katie says. Huxley continues to start to fuss, proving her point.

"You know what? I dont have time for this shit. Just like you dont have time for me" he says in my direction.

"What do you mean I dont have time for you?" I question.

"You're always taking care of this little thing and not putting time aside for me!" He yells.

"Im taking care of our son!" I yell back. "Its not like Im cheating on you!"

He's quiet suddenly and theres a block of ice that sets in my stomach. His gaze avoids mine and still looks pissed. I step toward him and cross my arms.

"Are you?" I ask. It took everything in me to not start shaking when he nods.

I turn away and close my eyes. I feel like I've failed. I struggle to take care of my son and now I'm not enough for my husband. I feel an arm around me and some mumbling. When I open my eyes back up Chris is leaving and Katie is hugging as best she could with a baby in her arm. I hug her back and kiss my sons forehead.

I turn away from them and head to the set. I know everyone is silent and frozen because of what just happened, but the show must go on.

Katie's POV

I tried to play moderator to save everyone from enduring an arguement but it was no use. I watched as Melissa walked away to start her scene and looked down at Huxley. He had finally settled and was falling asleep. This poor boy didnt deserve this. Melissa certainly didnt deserve the way she was treated either. Though its wrong for many reasons I'm glad they're getting a divorce.

I hoped that it would free Melissa from a relationship that didnt treat her the way that she should. It pained me to think what Huxley might go through. He was so young and it would be a blow to him once he understood what was truly going on.

Melissa was quick to finish a few scenes before walking back over to me. I had sat on the couch on our break area with Huxley peacefully asleep on my shoulder. I motioned for her to keep quiet as she grew near. Her face was close to mine as she leaned over to look at her son. I kept a hand on his back and the other beneath him to hold him up.

"Im glad he's comfortable with you enough to fall asleep. Usually he cries unless I am holding him" Melissa whispers.

"Im glad too. This little boy is slowly winning me over" I smile. And so is his mother.

Melissa left briefly to change and get ready to leave. I carefully put Huxley in his carseat and waited for her. I was watching Huxley in his carseat when I realized Melissa was standing next to me.

"You're realy good with him" she smiles. I smile back before I grow serious.

"I dont like the way that Chris is turning Melissa. I think you should stay with me. Or at least somewhere else other than the house with Chris" I say.

"Katie I couldnt do that to you. Huxley is a lot of work and I know that last night was rough" she said meekly.

"Melissa I dont care about that. I care about you two, ok? I'll go help you pack some things up. Lets just try to do it while Chris isnt home and wont interfere" I say. She pauses for a moment before finally nodding in agreement.

Im glad she agreed with me and let out a sigh of relief. I lightly rubbed the back of the baby while he continued to sleep on me. I would gladly play moderator if it meant keeping them safe.


Happy 4th of July Raccoons!

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