Chapter 11: Pushing Luck

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Katie's POV

Melissa really did fall asleep while we watched the movie. I was actually grateful because then she wouldnt see me still freaking out. I kissed her! On the mouth!

I was surprised that she was calm about it. I was afraid she would be angry at what I had done. There was something about her that almost seemed like she liked it, but I didnt want to get my hopes up.

When the movie ended it was dinner time. I slowly made my way out from beneath Melissa and went to the bedroom where Huxley was. The moment I looked down in his crib his little blue eyes were staring up at me.

"Have been awake long sweetheart?" I smiled.

I gently picked him up into my arms and admired him for a moment. He looked just like his mother. Of course Melissa was naturally a brunette and Huxley's little tuft of hair was a rich brown. I put a gentle kiss to his head as he leaned on my shoulder.

As I went to make him a bottle Melissa was still asleep on the couch. A power nap would do her good. I fed Huxley and changed him. By then he was lively as he usually is before bed. I grabbed the kangaroo pouch and placed him in it. His limbs flailed about while I attempted to make dinner.

"Huxley, darling, will you let me make dinner? Or do you insist on helping?" I laugh.

Seeing that Melissa hasnt woken up with the ruckus I turn on some music. I bob about to the music and the baby seemed to like it. I was just finishing up the food when I felt a hand reach from behind me. I look to see it carress Huxley's head. I turn to see Melissa in a dazed state and I smile.

"Have a nice nap?" I tease.

"I did. What are you two up to?" She asks.

"Just dinner. Huxley's already eaten and is now in his energy burst. He should be fine to sleep later tonight" I respond.

Melissa nods and we sit down to eat. Dinner goes on as usual and Huxley goes on to wiggle around. For a moment I felt like we were a family. There was a warmth in my heart and I wanted to just stay this way for a moment. Then I had to remind myself that this was my friend and her son. The music still played softly in the background and Huxley was now seated in his little chair on the table.

He was growing so quickly and I admired him for a moment again. He giggled and waved his little arms about. His eyes sparkled in wonder and laughter. I turned to Melissa who was making faces at him. My heart beat faster as I watched them. I wanted this to be it. For them to be my family, but how could I? How could I go after a newly divorced mother who happened to be my best friend?

I thought about what Julie said. I was glad that she liked me, but did Melissa?

"I think someone's getting tired" Melissa chuckles. I could see Huxley nodding off in his chair.

"Time for bed love" I smile. I gently pick him up and take him to the room.

I could feel Melissa's presence behind me. As I set Huxley down Melissa moved beside me. Her hand lightly rubbed the baby's belly. His eyes slowly closed as he fell asleep. Her hand then made its way to me and rest on my back. Instinctively, I turned to look at her and saw her looking down in the crib.

There were so many things swirling in my mind in that moment. The urges I felt that I knew I had to keep at bay. I wanted to give in but I forced myself to maintain control. I looked away from her and we moved away from the crib to get ready for bed.

"I know I had a nap, but I'm exhausted" Melissa sighs.

"I think sleeping in for our day off would be nice. If Huxley allows us" I laugh.

I decide to take a shower and Melissa lays on the bed.

"I'm going to shower, but I wont be long" I tell her. She nods me off and reaches for a book.

As I shower myself I think about the kiss. How could I have been so stupid? There were several ways I've could have done that differently. Now I've jeopardized our relationship.

I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. When I look through my clothes I realize I forgot underwear. Keeping my towel on I peek out to see Melissa dozed off with her book on her chest. I tiptoe out of the bathroom to get some underwear.

When I turn around to go back into the bathroom Melissa is standing in front of me. I nearly jump out of my skin and hurriedly hold my towel up.

"You nearly scared me half to death!" I joke.

"I didnt mean to" she says softly.

"Sorry if I woke you up. I just forgot to grab a few things" I smile. I make to continue when her hand stops me.

I pause and see that she's staring at me. She looks nervous and it worries me.

"Mel?" Before I could say anything else she moves to her tiptoes and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Just hurry to bed ok? I cant sleep with you moving around still" she smiles.

I stand there frozen for a moment before going to the bathroom in a daze.

Melissa's POV

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Why did I do that!? What if I scare her off? What if I pushed too far? There's no creep here anymore. There was no need for me to kiss her again, but then again there kind of was. There was a need in me to kiss her.

I laid down in bed and waited. The more my mind was thinking the more I felt like I should leave. After a minute I got up to go to the couch. Katie seemed like she was in a state of shock and I didnt want to make her uncomfortable by laying next to her all night.

I grabbed a pillow and blanket and began to settle on the couch. As soon as I closed my eyes to force myself to sleep I felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see her crouching next to me.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked quietly.

"Just going to sleep" I whisper.

"Let's go to bed then." She ushered me out of the couch and back to the bedroom.

As I laid down I stared at the ceiling and didnt touch her. Katie grabbed my arm and turned me to her gently. She placed my arm around her while her leg locked with mine. I looked anywhere but directly at her before she leaned in. I immediately returned her kiss and held her tighter.

My heart beat faster and faster as we continued. When we both finally pulled away I held her tightly.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time" she whispers.


Hey Raccoons! Hope you liked this chapter. I left room for any suggestions or requests you guys have. Updates are kind of up in the air still. Been really busy and out of ideas lol. Let me know what y'all think! Stay trashy!

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