Chapter 5: Doable

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Melissa's POV

I brushed my teeth getting ready for bed as I thought about the events of the past month. Huxley has been growing quickly and I wish I could keep him this way. I glance over to his crib and see his little sleeping form. There are good and bad nights still. Sometimes he will allow Katie and I to sleep and others we take turns holding him. I then glance to the bed. Katie laid on her side with her back facing the bathroom I was in.

She had done so much for me and my son. I spit out my toothpaste and saliva and washed my face. I was glad to have someone like her to lean on during this time in my life. My family has been supportive but they werent here in person. They didnt see what happened behind the curtains.

I dried off my face and made my way to the bed. As I got beneath the covers I lay there thinking about her. I wanted to do something to thank her. But what? What could I do that would portray how much I appreciated her?

My thoughts were interrupted when she stirred. Her arm suddenly made its way around my waist and her leg hooked over mine. I found it endearing when she cuddled. I chuckled and turned to her. My arms made their way around her as we finally rested.


I woke up to an empty bed. I furrowed my brows in confusion and sat up. I looked around to see that Huxley was also gone from his crib. Getting out of bed I made my way out of the bedroom.

I could hear the soft sound of the tv and Huxley's gurgles. Without making a sound I saw Katie on the floor with the baby on a blanket. She cooed and tickled his belly as he stared up at her. Her star wars pajama shirt hung loosely on her and her shorts shaped her nicely. Her raven black hair was up in a messy bun. She looked every bit the part of a mother.

I walked in and sat on the couch behind them. I smiled as Huxley let out a laugh.

"Oh, good morning. Going to get ready for work?" Katie smiles.

"Yeah, just wanted to check and see where you two were" I respond.

"Well, guess we should go. Are you ready to go little one?" She cooes to my son.

She gently picks him up and we go back to the bedroom. Thoughts swurl in my head about what I woke up to. It had made my heart flutter and I wondered what this meant. Katie was such a good friend to me, but why did this feel different?

I shouldnt have butterflies for a friend. I had butterflies for my ex husband at one point. As I thought about this I got ready for work. I was getting the diaper bag ready when she spoke up.

"Are you alright Melissa? You've been awefully quiet this morning" she says softly.

"Oh, um, yeah, I'm just thinking about a lot of things today" I say. I know I sound far from convincing but Katie just nods and lets it go.

I breathe out a sigh of relief and we head out to the studio. I needed to pull it together so as not to raise suspicion. Not that there was anything to be suspicious about anyway. Just my inner turmoil of understanding what it was that I was feeling.

Once we were at work I tried to act natural and go with the flow. Katie took Huxley to the room with the sitter and I took the diaper bag. I set it down on a chair inside the room as Katie handed the baby off.

"We will see you in a little while love. Be good for the babysitter now" she cooes. Huxley makes some noises and I approach him.

"I'll miss you baby boy. Mommy will be back during her break."

We leave the room and I silently pray that we dont hear screams. Katie puts a hand on my back and smiles.

"He'll be fine. The sitter is starting to get the hang of how he is" she says.

I tried not to but I couldnt help closing my eyes. Those damn butterflies were back as her hand dragged against my back. For a moment I forgot about my recent divorce and the fact that this was my friend. For a moment I felt that this may just be doable.

Katie's POV

I was worried that something was wrong with Melissa. She was very quiet this morning which is unlike her. I tried to think of the things that would make her upset. Is it still the divorce? Something with Huxley? Something with.... me?

I hoped that she wasn't suspicious of me. That she would figure out that I liked her. The secrecy was killing me but I couldnt bring myself to tell her. It was highly inappropriate and not doable.

The woman had a child to think of, a divorce to mourn, and a life to navigate. No, I couldnt do that. I couldnt ruin what was already a mess. I loved them too much to do that.

Suddenly I stopped in my tracks as Melissa went on to the set. Did I love her? I knew I had really fallen for Huxley. Who couldnt love that little boy? I thought about Melissa and fear took over.

This all started with a little crush. I thought she was funny and kind. Then the years went on and I really started to like her. She married Chris but I never stopped. Could it be that I developed into something more?

I shook my head. Thinking about this right now was not going to end well. I had a job to do and worrying about my love life, or lack of, was going to throw me off.

I approached the set and was quickly ushered away to get dressed. Hair and makeup went by in a blur and I was ready to film. I hadnt seen Melissa since earlier and I looked around. I smoothed out my skirt and rubbed my sweaty palms. Oh please dont let me fumble too much.

"Hey Katie! Ready to go?" She smiles.

"Yes, I looked over the script last night while feeding Huxley" I respond.

Melissa walked over to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. There was a warmth to my cheek and I tried not to be too stiff.

"He loves you. I'm almost jealous sometimes when he wants you and not me" she laughs.

There was that word again. Love. Such a powerful word and coming off of Melissa's mouth made it better. It somehow calmed my mind from my earlier revelation. It made me think that this would somehow, in the future, be doable.


Sorry for the long wait. Shout out to @cajunsniper700 for the chapter idea! The more suggestions the faster the update! Until next time raccoons!

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