𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙

9.9K 310 262

Word count: 4160

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, Pogo—an advanced chimpanzee who could talk, much to Elizabeth's dismay, and Reginald's assistant—gathered all of the students after breakfast before they could scurry off towards their own room. 

"Now, we need someone to show Miss Elizabeth around the house," Pogo began as he looked around at the students. "Would anyone like to volunteer?"

"Would we get to miss training and class?" Klaus questioned hopefully.

"Well . . ." Pogo thought for a moment, his lips pursed before he gave a curt nod. "Perhaps we can have two guides. One will show her around during the time of training, and the other can explain how things work at the Academy during your first class. Then, Miss Elizabeth can join the rest of you during the second and third class. Now, who would like to help?"

All seven hands shot up in the air; everyone obviously wanted to miss out on their training and schooling.

"Hm," Pogo chuckled as his eyes roamed from face to face, inspecting them carefully. "Let me see . . . Master Diego, you can show her around, and . . . Master Five, you can introduce her to the Academy's schedule."

Grins grew onto the two boys' faces as the others pouted, clearly upset that they'd have to proceed with their day as normal.

"Follow me, uh . . ." Diego squinted his eyes. "What's your name, again?" 

Her fingers nervously fumbled with each other behind her back as she answered, "Elizabeth."

"Right. C'mon, Elizabeth" —he gestured for her to follow him as he walked out of the dining room— "let—let's start at the top and make our way down."

Elizabeth nodded as she followed him up the few sets of staircases until they reached the floor that her bedroom was on.

"R-right, so, that's Ben's room." Diego gestured to a white door that stood opposite to hers and then gestured to the door next to hers. "That's Five's room. And then, obviously, you know your own room. Th-there's really only one other room here, and that's the attic."

He then brought her down to the second floor, where he pointed to each door as they passed them. "That's mine. That's Klaus'. That's Vanya's. That's Luther's. That's Allison's."

Elizabeth noticed the small posters that were hung in a horizontal line across the wall opposite the doors. They had cartoon pictures of children doing various combat moves, with instructions on how to fight. She thought they were quite . . . interesting?

As they came around to the left side of the floor, Elizabeth admired the many paintings that decorated the wall. Many of them were scenery: parks, oceans, bright cities . . . A million adventures on just one wall. A few chairs sat in the middle of the narrow hall, circled by their backs.

Diego gestured towards the group of chairs as he told her, "This—this is where Mom recharges."

"Where she . . . what?" Elizabeth questioned, folding her arms as she looked down at the chairs.

"Recharges. She's a . . . robot," Diego answered as he looked down at the group of chairs, his eyes flitting from one to the next. "D-dad made her so that she could help around the house and ta-take care of us."

Elizabeth stared at him for a moment before shrugging. Somehow, this wasn't the craziest thing that she's discovered. "Oh. Okay."

The two walked down the staircase and reached the main floor, where they had been a mere fifteen minutes before. 

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