𝐬𝐢𝐱. 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑎𝑖𝑣𝑒

8.8K 304 354

Word count: 5318

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 summer months, Reginald was persistent that they had to remain with their usual schedule, continuing with schooling and training in the same fashion while the normal kids got to enjoy their vacation.

But normal wasn't what they were used to anyway, so it wasn't any different than usual. 

They spent all of July and August continuing to learn, and they had moved on from learning Ancient Greek to learning Latin.

The only difference with training was that it became more difficult whenever they went outside in the courtyard to train, with the hot sun only causing them to tire more easily and sweat profusely. Still, they had to keep strong, especially while under the critical eye of Reginald.

After another exhausting couple of hours of individual training, the students went to the dining table. They sat down after Reginald allowed them to do so, and began to eat in the familiar silence.

Just as Elizabeth picked up her dinner roll, she felt Five gently kick her foot, and she let out a silent groan. She couldn't even eat her dinner in peace?

With a small sigh, she turned towards him and raised her eyebrows in question.

"Are you going to eat that?" he mouthed, nodding to the bread that was in her hand.

"Obviously," she mouthed back, giving him an incredulous look as she moved the bread closer to her.

"Wanna give it to me?" He grinned, glancing over to Reginald to make sure that he couldn't see the two communicating.

Staring straight into his eyes, Elizabeth stuffed the whole roll into her mouth, though she ended up regretting it almost immediately after. 

Five rolled his eyes at first, but then stifled a laugh as he watched her struggle to chew the whole thing and almost choke. He shook his head, bringing his hand to his mouth to cover any signs of amusement.

After a few minutes of strenuous chewing, Elizabeth finally managed to swallow the bread. Giving one last mocking smile to Five, she turned back to her plate of food and continued to eat.

Barely a minute passed before she felt another kick to her foot. She looked towards Five, her eyebrows raised once again. Five didn't mouth anything to her and instead kicked her again. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows even higher.

Another kick.

"Stop it," Elizabeth mouthed.

"No," he mouthed in reply. Kick.

She ignored him and continued to spoon her peas and carrots into her mouth.




Finally having had enough, she kicked him back. This only caused his grin to grow bigger and kick her again.

"I'll kill you," she mouthed, her eyes threatening as she stared at him.

"I'd love to see you try," he mouthed back with a wink that, unfortunately, made her heart flutter.


That little motherfu—

She felt a nudge on her left side and turned to see Diego looking right back at her.

Jeez. She couldn't catch a break.

"What's up?" she mouthed with raised eyebrows, glimpsing towards Reginald to make sure he wasn't watching. When she saw that he was quite invested in cutting his steak, she turned back to the boy.

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