𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱. 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑

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Word count: 3552

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, Elizabeth had only one thing set in her mind: she had to find Five.

No matter how upset she was with him, she needed to tell him about Hazel and Cha-Cha. They had disappeared after Luther had exposed himself to the rest of them, and for all she knew, they had gone after Five. 

The only problem was, she had absolutely no idea where he had gone.

There were about a thousand places she could think of, unfortunately. She had made a shitload of portals trying to find him in the past hour. 

First, she went to Griddy's, hoping that, perhaps, he was in need of a morning fix. All she was met with, however, were cranky businessmen and bright early-risers, and pretty much anyone except for Five. Agnes, who had begun to tremble at the sight of her, quickly shook her head no when Elizabeth had asked if she had seen the boy.

Elizabeth then went to Vanya's apartment, only to be met by darkness and silence; no one was home. She quickly took a notepad and pen, scribbling down a note telling Vanya to tell Five to come home if he swung by. She added another note at the end, telling her how sorry she was about the way Diego had acted, and giving a small reminder that she loved her (and, of course, she included many drawings of hearts).

Then, Meritech. She checked with the receptionist, and even asked a few people, but to no avail.

After that, she went to any place she could think of, hoping that for some reason, he had gone there. He hadn't.

So, she gave up and made her way back home. 

She needed a nap, badly. She was pretty tired from all the portal-making, and the fact that she was unsuccessful in finding Five didn't help her mental state either.

Before she could head back into her room, however, she found Diego walking up the stairs to the third floor. 

He noticed her as she neared the bottom of the steps, and he changed his direction and went back down the stairs towards her.

"Hey," he spoke softly as the two halted, meeting in the middle of the staircase.

"Hi." Elizabeth gave him a small smile as she put a hand on his shoulder and gently asked, "You doin' all right?"

"Not really." Diego swallowed, trying to muster a smile for her. "Do you know where Five is?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I've been looking for him all morning. I can't find him anywhere."

"Shit," Diego groaned, looking up to the ceiling with exasperation.

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes at him, now suspicious. He didn't sound too happy while talking about him, and she was sure he wasn't trying to find him so that he could give him a grand ol' hug and kiss.

He shook his head. "I'm going to his room. I need to find that little bastard."

"Me too. Let's go." Elizabeth nodded her head and followed him up to Five's room, whose door was already wide open. 

Both of them were surprised to find Luther in the room, rifling through the drawers as he searched for something.

"What are you doing here?" Diego questioned as they watched Luther sort through Five's things.

Luther immediately stopped as he turned to them, his eyes widening as they flitted between the two. 

"Uh . . ." He slowly stood up, swallowing nervously. "Do you guys know about Mom?"

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