𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. 𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑓

7.1K 262 362

Word count: 4485

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄 months progressed in a normal fashion. 

Elizabeth would study with/tutor her fellow students, spend time training, try to tolerate Reginald's taunts and insults without bursting into tears, and use whatever free time she had left to sneak into the other teens' rooms and talk.

Over all this time, she had become closest to Five and Diego.

Five, his room being just next to hers, was always the first to say good morning and the last to say good night. 

Most nights, after everyone fell asleep, he would teleport into her room, and the two of them would chat all night until the morning sun gleamed through the windows.

During these times, Elizabeth could feel an increasing amount of butterflies in her stomach whenever their hands came into contact, or whenever their eyes gazed at each other for more than a second. 

She had never had a crush before, what with her not knowing anyone before she arrived here, but she knew that that was what was happening. And she wasn't too sure how she felt about it, but what could she do? 

The situation with Diego, on the other hand, was completely different. She could never see him as anything past a brother, which was already hard enough for her; it was strange to be raised as an only child with careless parents for nearly fourteen years before getting thrown into a new family with a peculiar father, robot mother, six interesting and quite self-satisfied siblings, a wonderfully ordinary sister who was far more humble and loving than the others, and a monkey that could talk.

With Diego, they were purely just best friends. Along with Grace, she helped him get over his stutter, which was practically gone by the time they reached the age of fifteen. It only ever occurred when he was nervous or angry, which Elizabeth tried to keep to a minimum (although it was difficult whenever Luther was around).

Despite those two boys being her closest friends, Elizabeth was still quite close to the others. She would regularly go to their rooms to hang out and chat, passing it off as studying whenever questioned by a person in authority.

Around July, Reginald had deemed Elizabeth more than ready to join the group in going out on missions. So, whenever the alarm shrieked and flashed red, she would put on the black suit that was lined in white, and the domino mask with the creepy, white patches for eyes, and create a portal for everyone to jump through.

One thing that Elizabeth had made routine after every mission, was to head straight towards Vanya's room right after and tell her word-for-word everything that had happened. She felt bad that the girl missed out on the action, and always enjoyed the giggles and gasps of shock she'd receive while telling the story.

Now, in the middle of a cold November, the familiar alarm echoed through the halls, and red shone against the light walls. Reginald's shouts echoed, telling them to hurry and get ready.

Elizabeth, who was studying in Vanya's room, got up from the bed and rushed out, giving a smile to Vanya as the other girl wished her luck. She ran to her room and pulled out the suit from her closet, quickly changing from her uniform to that.

It was made of a spandex-like material and was quite fitting to her body. The same umbrella that was tattooed onto her wrist was stitched onto the left breast of her suit, and a velcro kept the collar together. She buckled the black belt before putting the mask on and hurried down to join the rest of the students in the main foyer.

When everyone was there and ready to go, Reginald informed Elizabeth of the location, telling them that there was a bank robbery. It wasn't the first time they had to go to stop a bank robbery, and it sure wasn't going to be the last.

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