Part 6

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"I knew you liked her even back then. It was so obvious." Eric taunted as he went to sit across from Paul, as Paul rolled his eyes.

"Can we please stop talking about it." Paul said as he twirled the pasta on his plate around his fork absentmindedly, worrying about what you would tell him when he got back from lunch.

"Come on, she's one of the college students coming for observation hours, so she is kinda free game." Eric said, as Paul looked at him, as his eyes narrowed.

"Not saying that I'm going for her bro, just saying that I don't thinking dating a former student is going to cause a problem for you." Eric replied in a calm tone, as he stopped talking as Gene came up to sit with them, followed by Tommy.

Gene looked between Paul and Eric.

"You were talking about her weren't you." He said in a very unapproved tone.

"He doesn't want to talk about her." Eric said pointedly, as he took a bit of his food, as Gene shook his head.

"It's not going to work, theres too much of an age gap." Gene said, as Eric looked at him surprised.

"Really? You think age is the problem? He talked about her years ago when she was in his classes, head over heels crazy for her, and it's like we are back in time all over again. Plus, you said that she did have talent back then, right?" Eric said, looking at Paul for the last part.

"Yeah she did have talent, but she's not observing to be an art teacher, shes getting her credentials in history, since her parents didn't approve of her getting a career in art." Paul said, as he shook his head.

"Can we not talk about this anymore." Paul said, as Eric looked at him worried.

"Ok. sorry i brought her up." Eric replied, as they all sat in silence for a bit, eating their lunches.

"You know i did see her walk up to your classroom right after fifith period got out." Tommy added, as Eric and Gene glared at him, as Paul's looked at his watch.

"She must've confused my conference period, crap." Paul said as he grabbed his wallet and threw cash down.

"I'll see you guys on campus, and if not I'll see you tomorrow" He said as he exited the restaurant and go into his car and drove back to campus.


You waited outside of Paul's class, tapping your foot, as you tried the door again and it didn't budge. Locked.

You shook your head at how stupid this was.

You really think he's going to believe you about the photos. You think to yourself, as you turn around and go starting walking towards the door of the building, as it opens.

"Hey y/n." Paul said, as he opened up the door and took his sunglasses off, as he walked into the building.

"One of the faculty members told me that he saw you waiting outside my classroom after fifth period, so i came from lunch when he told me." Paul explained to you, as he walked to his classroom.

"Oh I must've mixed up your conference period and lunch. I'm really sorry you couldn't enjoy your lunch break" You say as you follow him into his classroom.

"It's fine. It'll give you more time to tell me what you texted me about." Paul explained as he went to sit down at his desk and gestured to the chair that was to the side.

"Yeah about that..." you said as you pulled the chair up for you to sit in as you opened up your phone and handed it to him, to show him the text messages that you received.

"Three questions. Who? Why? And How?" He said as he scrolled through the photos, and looked back up at you.

"I don't know who it is. And it's obvious that they texted me these to threat us to split up or else they would share this information. And how they got my number, I don't know." you say as Paul goes to his computer and goes to look up the phone number that texted you the photos.

"We can always just trace the number, and then go from there." Paul said, as his eyes flickered from the screen to you, as his face hardened.

"I know that this person's intentions are to hurt you in some way since they texted you." paul continued, as he looked back at the computer screen and started scrolling through the search results.

"This one says that the texts were coming from this town, if that helps." Paul stated, as he turned away from the computer.

"I can't think of anyone that holds a grudge that would want to do this. 'Cause this won't just affect me, but you as well." You say, as you start searching information on the number on your phone, when something comes to you as you laugh.

"You know I wasn't the only one that liked you in high school." You say, as Paul turns away from the computer to look at you with a raised brow.

"Oh really? Other than Olivia?" He asks, as your mouth hangs open at his admission.

"You knew about that?" You ask, as he smiles.

"When i started to realize that you liked me, Olivia's actions around me seemed like 10x more obvious but that's just because she was such a suck up. I mean even now, graduated from high school and going onto becoming a teacher she's still a suck up." Paul explains, as he starts searching again.

"She always tried to hard, you on the other hand were yourself around me, and I like how you are, your not fake." He said as you felt his hand on yours on the desk, as you looked up from your phone, as his hand went to cup your face, as he leaned down to kiss you.

Just as his lips touched yours, you felt his hand fall to your waist, and pull you onto his lap. You straddled his waist, as you felt his hands travel back up to your body, as his lips went down to your neck, as his hands started to unbutton your shirt.

"Is the door locked?" you asked, as your eyes rolled back into your head, as you felt him groan against you, as you caught a glance down at him, and saw that his pupils were blown, as he pulled you off his lap, and glared at you, as you smiled at him, as he walked to the door to the classroom and pulled the lock on the door and walked back to the desk and pulled a piece of paper from the printer and went to tape it over the opening of the door so no one walking by could look in.

As he walked back to the desk, and just as he was smirking at you, you saw that his facial expression changed, as he went to this computer and clicked on a notification that showed up.

"Uh, do you want me to leave or?" You ask, suddenly feeling awkward, as he clicked on it and read an email that was sent to him.

"I have to go to one of the faculty's rooms about something." he said as he turned to look at you.

"But we both know we aren't done." he said as you got up from the chair, as he looked down at you with a smirk on his face, as you followed behind him to walk out of the classroom, as Paul went to unlock the door.

"I am more than ok with that." You reply as you pull his down to kiss him before you open the door and look back at him as he narrowed his eyes at you, as you turned away and swore that you hear him growl under his breath as you walked away.

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