Part 8

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You felt him humming against your skin, as you smiled into the pillow, feeling him kiss across your back all the way up to your neck.

You shifted your position, causing Paul to groan, as you laughed softly, as you felt him wrap his arms around your middle, as you felt yourself being moved from laying on your stomach and onto your side, with Paul laying behind you.

"That" you say, as you felt Paul's lips on your neck.

"I know." he replied, as you felt him pull up a blanket to cover you both, or what you thought was going to be both of you, as you felt him shift next to you, and the blanket move.

You looked behind you and saw that he was getting out of bed, as he smiled back at your confused face.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second." he said, as you felt the pull of sleep starting to get to you, as you rested your head against the pillow and watched with half-closed eyes as he quickly walked to the bathroom naked closing the door behind him, as you smiled closing your eyes.

God he has a great ass. You thought, as you heard the door open a couple minutes later, as you opened your eyes and saw that he was slipping on a pair of boxers before walking back to the bed, and slipping in next to you.

"Tired?" he asked, as you were going to answer him, but instead yawned.

"And i thought you would want to go again" he said in a very nonchalant way.

AGAIN? How could i possibly go again? You thought to yourself, as you scooted closer to him, and moved your leg against his hip.

"Why would I want to go again, you made me exhausted." You say, as Paul raised an eyebrow at you.

"Despite the fact that I did all the work?" he said, as he yawned, when he looked down at your face and saw that you were confused.

"Wait don't tell me, you've never experienced afterglow?" he asked, as his hand came up to touch you face as he smiled.

"I know this might sound stupid but--" You started to say as you yawned again as Paul softly chuckled, as he kissed your neck.

"It's when you have such a strong orgasm that you end up getting tired, but guessing from your lack of knowledge on the topic I would guess you've never had one." he replied, as you smiled.

"Until now that is." You say, as you go to kiss him deeply, as you felt him smile into the kiss, as you pulled away and smiled.

"Thank you for the ego boost y/n" he replied, as you laid your head back down on the pillow.

"No more talking, more sleep." You murmured, as you threw your arms around his neck and closed your eyes and was asleep in seconds.

Paul smiled as you dozed off in his arms, as he moved the hair away from your face, before he too closed his eyes and fell back asleep as well.


You woke up a couple hours later groggy, getting up from the bed you were laying in when you realized that you were naked. Your eyes widened as the slight breeze from the overhead ceiling fan hit your body, as you stumbled around in the dark and found your discarded underwear at least, and slipped them on and found the pajamas in the duffle. As you walked to the door, you looked back and saw Paul still sleeping in the bed peacefully as you closed the door softly behind you.

You made your way into the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking through it for something to eat. You opened one of the cabinets and was looking at the assortments of glasses, when you heard a noise behind you, and quickly turned around to see Paul watching you, leaning up against the doorframe with a smile on his face.

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