Part 11

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Paul let you walk into his house, your face wet from the tears that had been streaming down your face on the drive over.

"Just give me a second. I'll put this in the fridge. Sit down." Paul said, as he quickly walked to the kitchen and put the ceramic dish in the fridge.

He was back in a second, water bottle in hand as he went to sit next to you on the couch.

"I take it your time with your family today didn't go well." Paul said, as you shook your head, as you grabbed for the water bottle.

You only wanted to just take a sip, but found that you were downing it in seconds.

"I wasn't even in the house for 5 minutes, and my dad started his judgemental ways. So I left" You say, as you played back what happened in your mind.

"Sometimes family is like that." Paul said simply, as you looked up at him.

"I almost told him about you, just to get a reaction, but I held back. I didn't though, I want you to meet them eventually and not after I make them have ideas about you before they meet you." You explain.

"Now that I've told you what happened to me, it's your turn." You said, as you smile up at him.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for about a month." Paul started, as you sighed.

"I know, you've been avoiding this conversation by just using sex as a distraction." You pointed out with a little smile.

"Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it but I knew you've been having something on your mind." You continued, as Paul smiled slightly at that.

"Remember when you met me in my classroom?" Paul asked, as you nodded.

"And we were trying to lookup who was sending those text messages." You said remembering, as Paul nodded.

"And I had to leave because I got an email that I had to meet up with a faculty member." Paul said as you nodded.

"It was your old teacher Ms. G. She somehow knows about us. She threatened to out our relationship to the principal of the school." Paul explained, as you narrowed your eyes.

"How would she know? And what would outing us to the principal do? That won't do anything." You say confused.

"It could impact your ability to get into the credentialing program, and I could lose my job." Paul explained as you shook your head.

"No I'm no longer in high school. Who you are with shouldn't affect your job, and it shouldn't affect my abilities of getting into the credential program." You say trying to understand.

"That's what she told me. She said that she would give us sometime, but we would have to not be together. Or else she would go to the credential committee and warn them about you, and then go to the principal and explain the situation to him." Paul explained, as you took a breath.

"She knows the credential committee that would make the choice if I become a teacher or not?" You asked, as Paul shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess she has some friends on the committee." Paul answered simply as he went to hug you.

"You think she was the one that was taking the pictures? Send the texts?" You ask, scrunching up your hands into his shirt, trying to fight back the tears that were struggling up to the surface.

"I don't know. Did Michelle's friend ever get back to you with any information about the number that's been texting you?" Paul asked, as you shook your head against his shoulder.

"Not that I know of. She would've told me if he got any leads by now." You reply, as you pull away and look up at Paul, as he brushes his thumb against your face, wiping away the tears that started to fall.

"What are we going to do? I don't want to break up because of someone's threats." You ask, as Paul gets up from the couch and holds out his hand.

"First things, first. Let's go eat some of the food you brought over. Then we can check in with Michelle to see if her friend has gotten any leads. Then we talk about possible decisions that we need to make." Paul said, as you nodded, as you got your phone out.

"I can do one better, I'm going to call Michelle and have her come over, help us figure out what to do next." You say, as you dial your friend's number, listening to your phone dial out to her number.

The tears that were your eyes a second ago, were suddenly gone, replaced with anger. Because this one person was trying to separate you and Paul, threatening your future career and his. And you did not even know why.

"Michelle, hey. Can you come by Paul's house. We need your help." You say, as you walk further into the house, as you rattle off his address to your friend, as Paul pulled out his phone and started texting.

Come to my house. I need your help. The text simply read, as he went to send it, as he took a breath, as you got off the phone and looked at Paul.

"Michelle is coming over. Who were you texting?" You ask, as Paul sighed.

"We need more help than just Michelle, so I asked the people that I thought I would be able to trust." Paul said simply, as the front door opened, and your eyes widened.

"You texted me? What do you need help with?" Eric asked, as he looked from Paul to you, no shock evident in his face at seeing you in Paul's home.

"Where are the others?" Paul asked simply, ignoring Eric's questions.

"Tommy and Gene don't live a couple houses away from you like I do. Give them a couple minutes." Eric said, as he looked at you with a smile,

"Nice to finally see the girl that is the owner of the purse from a couple weeks ago." Eric said simply, as he walked into the kitchen, passed you and opened up the fridge and grabbed a beer, as you look at him stunned.

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