Part 7

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"So you left? You were so close and yet still so far." Michelle said as she shook her head.

"What was i suppose to do? Stay in the classroom, wait for the students to come and find me in there waiting for him to come back?" You ask rhetorically as you pace back and forth.

"You could text him." Michelle stated matter-of-factly, "just tell him that, and then ask if you can meet him out his house, cause you know your going to crack and do him." Michelle said smiling at you.

"You know your a really bad influence." You say, as you stop pacing and take out your phone and text Paul everything you had just said to your friend.

And you waited.

Waited for hours.

It wasn't until 4pm that you got a response to your text.

Come To My House When You Can. It read simply, but it was enough to make you jump out to the chair that you had been sitting in, obsessing over what he would respond back to you with.

"Where are you going?" Michelle asked, as you grabbed your purse and your keys.

"He texted me back. He said that i need to come by." You said, as you saw a smile break out on your roomates face.

"Hold on one second." Michelle said, as you watched her walk out of the small living room and came back with what looked to be an overnight bag in her hand.

"What is that?" You asked, as Michelle handed it to you.

"It has everything that I could think that you would need. I put it together yesterday after you went to his house. Because girl you need to get laid, all this stress of this person threatening you both is a lot." Michelle said with a smile.

"Why would you--" You started to say as Michelle shook her head.

"Because your my friend and I haven't seen you even this close to being this happy in a long time. While your there, I'll have a buddy of mine look into that phone number, see who's been threatening you both." Michelle said as a smile broke out on your face.

"Thank you." You say simply, as you take your friend into a tight hug.

"Yeah make sure you give me all the dirty details tomorrow." Michelle said as you pulled away from the hug and winked at you.

"God you are crazy you know that." You say as Michelle pushes you towards the door.

"Go now before I end up having to drive you to his house." Michelle said, as you walked out of your apartment and down the stairs with a big smile on your face.

Goodness now he's got me feeling like there's butterflies in my stomach even before I see him. You thought.


You sat outside the front of his house for a couple minutes to gather yourself before you walked up to ring the doorbell.

You took a couple of deep breaths and pressed your finger on the button, while you readjusted the bag that was strapped around your shoulder.

You quickly unzipped it to look inside and sighed in relief at what was in the bag. It contained what you considered your most sexy yet comfy pair of pajamas, a change of clothes, a travel toothbrush. And then you got to the bottom of the bag and felt your face flush at the box of condoms, and a container of what looked like to be KY. Your eyes didn't stay on that, but the post-it note that was on the box of condoms.

Didn't know what size obviously, and got the variety pack. Knock 'em dead Y/N! The post-it note said, as you found yourself laughing to yourself, as you heard footsteps coming to the door, as you rezipped up the bag quickly as the door opened.

"Hey Y/N, please come in." Paul said as he looked down at you, as you looked up at him, and saw that he looked tired, really tired.

"What's with the bag?" Paul asked as you walked in behind him.

"Well, remember what I said earlier, about us not being done with what we started. This is pretty much my roommate accelerating the process." You say as you set the bag down.

"Good to know your roommate knows every move we're making." Paul said with a small smile, as he ran his hand over his face.

"I have to tell you something, I met with the faculty member that emailed me, that made me have to leave earlier today and---" Paul started to say, as you grabbed his face and pulled it down and kissed him.

"Y/N, what?" Paul started to ask, as you smiled up at him.

"We've been so close for so long, and i really don't want to wait any longer." You say as your hands softly caress his face.

"We've had so many instances of us being interrupted, that I just want tonight. Just tonight, my roommate knows someone that can trace the number and I don't want to think about the whole situation. Because it's been the thing that has been interrupting us from the start of all of this. So please, let us have tonight Paul." You say as you look up at Paul.

"Mr. stanley" Paul said as you tilted your head not understanding.

"What?" You replied, as you saw a smirk come across his face, as you felt his arms go around you, as he leaned close to your ear.

"Call me Mr. Stanley, Y/N, in the bedroom." He said as his lips were on your neck in a second, as he pulled you in the direction of the bedroom, as you started laughing.

"Wait" you say as Paul moves away from you, confusion on his face, as you smile up at him, as you walk back the couple steps to grab the bag, as the smirk returned to his face.

"What's in that bag of yours?" Paul asked, as you smiled widely at him.

"Oh this bag is full of tricks Mr. Stanley, if you want to go there that is?" You ask as you see that smirk again that makes your knees weak as he grabs the bag from you in one hand, and goes to wrap the other hand around your waist.

"I am so ready to go there with you." He replied as he kissed you, and led you back into the bedroom.

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