Training with Baghra

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The next day I started my official life in the little palace as I went to Baghra's training area for my first lesson. I had to sit in front of her nervous and scared of what she would do if she found out what I was. Waiting for what was to come unknowingly if she would discover the truth. She looked at me, seeming to already be judging me when it came to who I was. Then her eyes landed on my bracelet and she took my hand and removed it as I worried.

"What bothers you child?" Baghra said,

"You took the bracelet. My mother gave me that bracelet." I said

"This." Baghra said holding up the bracelet "it's a concealing bracelet. So what are your parents hiding within you?"

"I.." I hesitated

Baghra got up and she walked over waiting to see if I would do anything, my powers were odd but I knew if I used both one after the other I would faint. My heart raced and she walked around me as I tried to stay calm. I felt her take my hand again and cause pain as I felt a surge of power surround me. First water and then sunlight as she let go in surprise and I put my hand on the chair breathing some putting a hand on my head.

"A dual summoner, never heard of before and your safety will be at risk." Baghra said

"Sun Summoner is wanted to destroy the fold and a dual-summoner is not even in Grisha text." I said

"When your parents brought you here they said you needed training from me. They did not disclose what kind of Grisha you are and for good reason. If people find out you're a Sun Summoner as well you'll be expected to tear down the fold and the General will get what he wants but you seem to be struggling child." Baghra said

I was fighting to keep my sense of consciousness as I sat there but for a few seconds I laid in the chair and blacked out. My power was great but with great power came the side effects of great power. When you're not ready to control it and you try too hard it will overwhelm you but when I felt water I woke up and was awake. Baghra seemed to be concerned with my condition of being a Dual-Summoner and falling unconscious.

Still what she said about The General gets what he wants, the words seemed odd to me that the General would take such interest in me. Then my father's words were to keep my distance from the General and I figured out the General had some connection to her. Still I sat there as she offered me some water and I took it, drinking it slowly.

"Grisha starts combat training when they're old enough to join the army. You have less than ten years to get your strength to it's best." Baghra said "I'll train you to be able to manage both but you must never use the Sun in front of the general. Avoid him if you can, it would be in your best interest."

"Is it true? A Grisha's life is determined by power?" I asked

"It is very true. What do you know?" Baghra asked

"My mother says I could possibly be the general is?" I said

Baghra realized I knew the truth about General Kirigan not using his real name after all they put me in his care. Baghra became interested in what I knew and she seemed to be considering something.

"You tell me what you know of the General and I will answer whatever question you have about him." Baghra said

"Deal!" said

Baghra listened as I told her exactly what my parents told me but there wasn't much I could share with her. Still the information I could give her was enough to make her impressed with my knowledge of the darling. In fact she leaned close to make sure I wasn't holding anything back.

"So you know he's eternal and keeps changing his name...these are things I told Amara when she was your age." Baghra said and she seemed to think. "A deal is a deal. What questions do you have?"
"My parents say I should avoid the general, why?" I asked
"Your a sun summoner and a tidemaker, the general would take no interest in you as a tidemaker but a sun summoner is what he's looking for." Baghra said

I didn't understand but Baghra could see the questions in my eyes that she couldn't answer. She tried to change the topic and I could tell.

"You must be careful, once your powers are revealed the general will take interest and then you'll have to be presented to the King and Queen." Baghra warned "I'll teach you the ways to keep hidden."

From that day on I came and trained for years hearing stories asking questions and that tled me down the path I'm currently on. 

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