Willa's gone missing

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*2 weeks later*

Bucky's pov: I wake up from the sound of my phone going off. I look at the time and see I only have about 20 minutes to get ready, and go to school. Do I always have to be late?! This is gonna be the third time I was late. I go to my closet and get some clothes. I finish getting dressed, grab my bag and phone, than head down stairs. "Where's Wynter?" I ask my mom while almost tripping on the last steps.. "she already went" my mom repiled. Ugh, I can't believe I didn't wake up earlier. I eat breakfast quick and run to school. I somehow get there in time. That was close! I quickly walk through the holeway a little faster. Not running cause that's not aloud. I put my bag away in my locker, lock it and go to class. I sit in my usual seat next to Wyatt. Looks like I'm the only one that's late. "Hey, do you know where Willa is?" Wyatt whispered.

"No?" I replied. "Oh I thought she was with you?" He responded. "Maybe, she's with A-li?" I say. "Yeah, I mean they do have first period together" Wyatt replies. Not so long after the teacher comes in. I hope I studied enough. I really don't wanna fail. Willa's probably with A-li. I zone out looking at my book, the teacher calls my name and I jump. He asks me a simple question and I somehow still maneged to get it wrong. I sigh and start writing in my notebook the things off the board. Class finally finishes 15 minutes later. Me and Wyatt get out of class and go to our lockers. I spot A-li at her locker and go up to her. "Hey, have you seen Willa?" I ask her. "No? I don't think she came to school today.." A-li repiled. "Oh..me and Wyatt thought she was with you? Nevermind, thanks anyways" I thanked her and sigh.

Where could she be? Maybe, we could get more answers at lunch. I hope she's okay. Maybe, Wynter knows? She is here. "Hey look over there, I see Wynter talking to A-Spen. We should go ask them!" Wyatt points to Wynter and A-Spen. We walk over to them and ask. "We haven't seen her all day, sorry" A-Spen says. "It's fine, thanks for y'all's time!" Wyatt thanked my cousin and her bestie. They smile and head to class. I wonder where Willa could be. A couple hours later the school day ends and Wyatt drives me and Wynter home. I started to get a little worried about Willa. She would usually be with one of the aliens or Wynter, and sometimes Lacey. But, I couldn't ask Lacey cause she didn't come to school today, she said she was sick.

I go upstairs and lay down on my bed. Soon I feel asleep. I woke up 20 minutes later. I get up and decide to go look for Willa. I put my shoes on, grab my phone and head out. I decide to go look in the forest cause she would probably be there. I really hope I find her. I walked around the forest screaming her name for about 2 hours. It's no use. "Willa!" I scream starting to cry. No, no I can't loose my soulmate. I really hope she isn't hurt. What if she is?! I try to hold back my tears, but fail. Soon my tears started coming down faster. I calmed my self down. At least enough to run home and get to my room. I run home and lock myself in my room. I start to cry again. The tears coming down much faster! I keep having bad thoughts all night. When I cried myself to sleep I started having bad nightmares. Of Willa being hurt. I hope they weren't visions. I decided to not sleep the rest of the night cause I keep having nightmares. I hope someone finds her soon if I don't.

I can't loose her, I can't loose her...I really hope someone finds her soon..me or anyone. Willa, please come home..

A Cheer Captain and a Alpha (Bucky x Willa)Where stories live. Discover now