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"Rosalyn!" cried Narcissa, her arms wrapping around me the moment I entered her manor. "It's been two years, my dear. You've grown so beautiful."

I smiled politely. "Thank you."

Her eyes narrowed just a bit but she didn't question my coldness. "How was Beauxbatons? You must have picked up some French, haven't you?"

"Oui, c'est vrai," I answered, trying to not be stiff. "It was a good change of... scenery."

Narcissa's smile softened as she whispered, "I know your grandparent's death-"

I straightened. "I've taken too much of your time, Narcissa. I should meet the others."

Without waiting for her consent, I pushed past her and quickly melted within the many people, trying desperately to hide from any prying eyes. Two years. It's been two years since I left here. So much has stayed the same. So much has changed. 


I whipped around, only to see that it was Blaise. He was leaning against the column at the far back of the Malfoy's ballroom, his eyes watching me with shrewdness. We had been children the last time we saw each other. Now, Blaise had grown to a young man. 

Bitterness tinged my tongue. "What would I hide from?"

He shrugged in a very Blaise type of way. "I don't know. Your life? Maybe your family? Your friends?" 

"Leave me-"

Blaise laughed coldly. "Draco?"

The urge to hex him was suddenly deflated as I slumped against him. I said, very quietly. "It's not like that, Blaise. You know I had to leave."

His arm went around me and he sighed. "You're depressing."

I smirked. "How's Daphne?"

Scowling, Blaise retracted his arm and dusted his arm, trying to hide his pinking cheeks. "There is nothing between us."

Maybe I would have laughed at him a long time ago but I felt as if I didn't have that right anymore. Leaving for two years had broken many things, especially the right to call him one of my closest friends. I knew Blaise had been more hurt than anything. 

A long moment of silence passed between us before I asked, only meekly, "Are you still mad at me?"

Blaise's eyes flashed. "I get that you didn't tell Malfoy but why not me, Rosalyn? I would have had your back!"

My mouth clamped close.

"Instead, you transferred to a foreign school and left without another word."

"I will not apologize," I snapped.

"Why am I not surprised?" he yelled back. "You never apologize for anything!"

"You know me better than that," I hissed at him. "I don't owe you an apology so I won't give you a meaningless one to make you feel better."

Blaise gave me one more look before saying, "At least talk to him."

"No, " I said on instinct. "I can't."


"Why not?" I tilted my head, watching him. 

Blaise had turned meaner and certainly more handsome. Even now, all the girls were staring at him hopefully and Blaise returned some of the looks with his own. I wondered how Daphne felt about that.

"Fine," he gritted his teeth. "Are you coming back to Hogwarts?"

Yes. No. Maybe?

"I don't know, Blaise," I stared off before attempting to be sarcastic. "Beauxbatons wouldn't be the same without me."

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