chapter three

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"Oh, aren't these parties just so wonderful!" Daphne squealed for the fourth time, even though we've been here for three hours already.

"Right," I muttered, fighting the urge to rip my robes shorter so I wouldn't stumble again. "If you like standing around talking to people twice our age."

"I mean, these hor d'oeuvres, they're just so delectable." She either ignored me or just didn't hear me at all. "I have to ask Narcissa-"

"Daphne!" I snapped tiredly when I couldn't take it anymore. "Can we please talk about something else? Like your trip in Italy or something."

"Spain," She corrected. Daphne's kind eyes twinkled as she looked at me. "I was just teasing you, Rosalyn. You've been dead for this whole night and I couldn't help it."

That's what Quidditch did to you. Draco and I had played for hours out in the back, even when it started pouring terribly. Not to mention, the bludgers were ruthless. I was so badly bruised after all that practice that I barely managed to hide my winces when Grandmother made me change into the new robes she got for me. 

"Honestly, Daphne. How do you stand there perfectly for so long? Your robes are heavier than mine's." I groaned, snatching the fancy appetizer from Daphne's fingers when it was clear she wasn't going to eat it. 

Her nose wrinkled delicately. "Rosalyn, we're going to have these social holdings almost always when we're older. Even if you don't want to, you sort of have to attend mine anyway. We're supposed to host these for our-"

"-future husbands and families. I know," I sighed. I didn't want to sound grumpy but that's not what I wanted in my life, despite our upholding. "I'm sorry, Daphne, but that's something that only appeals to you."

Daphne acted as if she wanted to be the next Narcissa Malfoy.

Proper and prim was the demeanor she put on that convinced almost everyone. Almost. I wasn't fooled. I've known Daphne long enough to know that she was too proud and too sly to be a simple pureblood wife. 

"You got the Hogwarts acceptance letter, didn't you?" Daphne finally changed the subject and I perked up instantly.

"I did." I grinned. "You did too?"

Daphne nodded eagerly but before she could say anything, someone cut in, "Yvons!"

"Blaise," I lifted an eyebrow in amusement when he threw his arms around us, almost smashing our heads together. "It's Rosalyn."

"Sure thing, Yvons." Blaise chuckled and I saw a faint blush appear on Daphne's cheeks when he greeted her cheerily, "Daphne. Looking gorgeous as always."

Draco interrupted Daphne before she could say anything in response when he strolled up with Theodore Nott, who laughed at something he just said. Theo practically had the complete opposite complexion as Draco, with his dark curls and eyes. I met Draco's silver eyes and he smiled.

"Zabini. How was Greece?" Theo ruffled my head and then wrapped his arm around Daphne's shoulders. Daphne rolled her eyes, amused and irritated all the same.

"You know how my mother is," Blaise grumbled, watching our parents chat in the distance. "Always going somewhere with her newest boy toy and dragging me along."

Everybody fell silent.

That was a sore subject for him.

"Don't call him that." Daphne hissed at him, her pretense of shyness vanishing. "He's your new stepfather, Blaise!"

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