chapter two

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I woke up in tears.


Draco Malfoy's face illuminated before me under the moonlight and I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I was not dreaming.

"Draco?" I asked softly, watching as he reached for my hand. My body was still trembling slightly from the memories. "What- when did you get here?"

It took me a moment to shake off my disorientation. I was safe, and it was just another nightmare. I was only in my bedchambers, huddled in the thick sheets sprawled over my bed. It was just another nightmare.

"I just got here."

My clammy hand slipped from Draco's grasp and he stared at me for a moment, worried. I couldn't seem to meet his gaze. It was as if he touched me, then maybe he too would leave me. I couldn't lose Draco.

Draco wouldn't let it go and took my hand gently again, and I let him. He squeezed it once as if he understood. I wasn't sure he could. "Another nightmare?"

Yes. No. It wasn't a nightmare. It was the past.

His words were soft but full of anger and sadness. Though he'd never admit it out loud, I knew Draco was mad he couldn't stop my nightmares. Sad he couldn't stop my own sadness.

I shook my head, feeling tears well up and roll down my cheeks. "It's fine, Draco." Then I blinked. "You shouldn't be here. Grandfather might get angry."

Draco still stared at me but he lifted his other hand to my cheek. I didn't flinch because I knew Draco would never hurt me. Slowly, he wiped off my tears. I felt the sob build up in my throat.

"I used floo powder," he smiled joyfully, gesturing to my dusty fireplace. Strangely, there wasn't a single speck of dust on Draco.

The floo network connected my room to Draco's, which made it much easier for us to sneak to Hogsmeade or to play quidditch at night.

"Still," I sniffled, "Your mother will come looking for you."

"I know," Draco sighed. "But I wanted to be here when it happened."

"What?" I was confused. Was it someone's birthday?

A grin suddenly broke out on his face as he then pointed to my huge castle windows. "Look."

I trained my gaze to where he was pointing, only to see the sun rising. It was a beautiful scene but I couldn't help but scowl. "The sunrise? You woke me up to see the sun?"

"Rosalyn," Draco said, exasperated. "The owls."

I finally saw what he meant. Two owls that followed the flock parted. Instead of going to our Owlery, they headed for my windows and Draco pushed the windows open just in time so that they could land on the sill.

"Bear?" I joined Draco, and nudged my owl affectionately. "What are you holding?"

Bear, my owl, was one of the gifts for my birthday last year. When Grandfather gifted her to me, I thought she was a bear and so that was her name. Bear had regal black feathers and gorgeous eyes that enchanted me. I fell in love with her instantly.

That's when I saw the red seal on the envelope.

I gasped. "Is that...?"

Draco nodded, smiling just as big. "Hogwarts."

I turned to Draco and then hugged him tightly. This was our dream. To go to Hogwarts together. To pursue Quidditch. To make our families proud.

I pulled back, with the envelope still tight in my hand, and then stared at Draco.

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