chapter four

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"Rosalyn! Draco?" Grandfather called out and we both froze.

We had just finished sneaking out playing quidditch in the back of Grandmother's impressive garden. We were completely caked in mud and extremely dirty. I felt rather bruised from all the practice but still very happy as I always did after playing quidditch

Before Draco could do anything to hide me, Grandfather came into view. 

Tall and intimidating, Grandfather sighed in relief when he saw us. "Thank the stars. If your Grandmother found the both of you dirtying her carpet, heavens know what would have happened."

"We were just outside gardening," Draco hastily said, trying to save me. I gave him a wry look because gardening was by far the worst excuse he has ever come up with.

"In Quidditch robes, Draco?" Grandfather lifted an eyebrow. "Don't insult my intelligence-"

"It's not Draco's fault!" I quickly defended my best friend. "I'm sorry, Grandfather, I just wanted to-"

"I know the both of you have been playing quidditch for years." Grandfather cut in and I clamped my mouth, surprised. It was startling to hear him say it so bluntly.

"What?" I exclaimed, staring at Grandfather. "You knew?"

I always wanted to be a chaser and while Draco told me I was extremely good at the position, he also had no idea how I could tell anyone about our Quidditch secret. We both knew the people in our social circles would disagree. It was like a scandal to them as Quidditch wasn't meant for a lady as I've always been told.

I haven't even told Daphne, my best friend, that I've played for years.

"Of course." Grandfather scoffed and my shoulders slumped in relief. "Who do you think ordered our house elves to discreetly clean your robes without your grandmother knowing all these years?"

"You're not..." I looked away, "disappointed, are you, Grandfather?"

"Disappointed?" Grandfather was incredulous. "Why would I be disappointed?"

"But everybody-"

Grandfather looked as if he could roll his eyes. "I didn't say anything because I was waiting for you to tell someone. Honestly, don't you know that your mother used to be an excellent keeper? One of the best, in fact, for Slytherin."

"I-" my mind went blank. 

Draco grinned at me and mouthed, "Told you so."

I defended myself. "I thought those were your brooms!"

"Mine?" Grandfather was taken aback. "I got you the newest brooms for Christmas because your parents were outdated! How did you miss that, Rosalyn? You're brighter than that."

"Draco!" I whirled to him. "You told me you bought that for me."

He grinned sheepishly. "Well, that was the only way to convince you to keep them! I did get you the broom last year."

Grandfather chuckled. "Well, now. I'm sure everybody already knows that the both of you play, Rosalyn. I mean, you both don't exactly hide the mud from your robes."

"That's exactly what I-"

"Draco," I warned and he smirked.

"Your parents are coming later, Draco." Grandfather sighed, clasping his hands together. His thick gold ring shone from the action. "We're going to Diagon Alley to buy your supplies."

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