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"Hey Mani." Megan greeted with a smirk and Normani raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"What do you want Meg?" Normani mimicked and Megan laughed.

"Don't do that ms girl, make me sound like Meg from family guy." Megan tells her.

"Megan what the fuck." Normani laughed along with the girl.

"Anyways, wanna hang out later, a bitch is bored and I'm looking to go somewhere fancy for no reason?" Megan basically asked for a date.

"Uh, sure." Normani swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Thanks babes!" Megan push herself up before leaving to go do whatever she was doing at first.

"You're welcome." Normani muttered as butterflies crowded her stomach.


"Hey Manz" Dinah greeted and Normani looked at her.

"Hi Mufasa." Normani greeted back.

"Ooh, I like that one! You look beautiful today...Okay you look beautiful everyday but still." Dinah complimented creating butterflies in Normani stomach.

"Thank you." Normani muttered as Dinah wrap her arms around Normani's waist.

"So what are you up to?" Dinah wondered.

"Nothing much." Normani replied with.

"Cool, wanna go on a date with me?" Dinah asked resting her chin on Normani's shoulder.

"Uh...yeah sure." Normani spoke more quietly by the minute as she blushed.

"Yeah and sure. Hmm may I get yes and a kiss?" Dinah smiled and Normani bit her lip.

"Dinah." Normani whined.

"Pleaseeeeee." Dinah begged.

"Okay, I mean yes." Normani gave in and they locked lips.

"Thank you." Dinah smiled widened before her phone started to ring.

Dinah left the room and Normani sighed.

"Why am I like this?" Normani quietly ask herself as she sit down resting her head.

"Normani." Ryan sang softly as she slid her arms around Normani's shoulders.

"Oh hey Ryan." Normani perked up a little after seeing her best friend.

"Can you keep a secret?" Ryan sat slightly on the makeup desk.

"Yes...is it bad?" Normani raised an eyebrow.

"No, it was amazing. So Solána and I-" Ryan started but Normani cuts her off.

"Had sex?" Normani giggled.

"Well yes, why did you ruin my surprise?" Ryan huffed.

"It's not really a surprise, anyone could've suspected it." Normani shakes her head as Dinah re-enters.

"Hey Ryan, nice hickey." Dinah pointed out and Ryan blushed.

"Oh my, I didn't know it was visible." Ryan pulled up her shirt before leaving.

"Lemme guess, Solána?" Dinah closed the slowly door.

"It's a secret, I can't tell you." Normani ran a hand through her hair and looked up to see Dinah.

"Oh really?" Dinah raised an eyebrow and Normani sunk in her chair a little.

"Oh." Normani quietly say and Dinah move to be right in front of Normani.

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