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It's around 2 pm and all the girls are chilling downstairs enjoying their silence. Megan left about an hour ago to who knows where and the others wasn't really worried. That was until she came busting into the house with three other people behind her scaring Normani and Gabriella.

"Wassup hoes." Megan greeted her friends and Normani recognized Kehlani before anyone.

"Kehlani!" Normani jumped on her.

"Normani!" Kehlani mimicked.

Normani, Kehlani, and Megan all met eachother around the same time and their threesome of a group will never be broken.

"So shorties, say hi to the others." Megan ushered towards Dinah, Ella, and Kehlani.

"Hi Dinah, again and it's nice to meet you Ella." Normani greets as she clutches onto Kehlani.

Ella waved with a smile.

"Hey." Dinah nods her head keeping hands in her pockets.

"Megan!!!" Gabriella yells running towards thee stallion causing Megan eyes to widen.

"Uh, wait!" Megan slips behind Kehlani and Normani causing Gabriella to stop with an immediate blush rushing to her face.

Normani unwraps her hands from around Kehlani and stands up with a smile.

"She have a crush on me?" Kehlani whispered in Normani's ear.

"Uh huh." Normani confirm.

"At least she's cute." Kehlani laughs.

"Wha...." Gabriella squeaks out feeling light headed.

"Yeah but Gabriella isn't the only one who's going to kill you." Solána responds next to Megan causing Megan to move away quickly but Solána has a tight grip on her ear.

"Ow ow ow Solánaaaa!!" Megan cries in pain.

"We told you not to bring them here you fucking tree!" Solána scolded and everyone minded their own business.

"Hi I'm Ryan." Ryan introduced appearing next to Normani and they all waved at her.

"Why you all are gorgeous." Ella British accent hitting their ears shocking them all, the short girls I mean.

"You're British?!?" Gabriella turns her attention to Ella.

"Yeah born and raised in London then moved to New York." Ella hyped herself up and Gabriella jumps.

"That's so cool!!!" Gabriella also hypes and now they are jumping up and down.

Solána and Megan rejoins the conversation after Solána went full motherly on her as Megan rub her aching ear.

"I'm Solána." Solána adjust her crop top.

"Nice to meet you Solána." Ella nods and Solána does the same.

"So! Y'all wanna watch a movie and chill?" Megan asked clapping her hands after the word so.

"Sure." Normani answered first as she skipped into the living room.

"I'm also the down." Kehlani followed Normani hopping over the couch to claim a spot next to her.

The rest also sat their asses on the couches getting comfortable.  It was, Dinah-Normani-Kehlani-Megan on one cough and Ryan-Solána-Ella-Gabriella. They put on the movie Mulan since it was Ella suggestion. As they watched, Kehlani got up to go get some snacks because she did smoke before arriving to the place and now she got the munchies.

"Kehlani get me some cheetos!" Normani yell and Kehlani puts up her thumbs.

"Y'all want anything cause I'mma go do the same?" Solána asked and they gave her a list before she made her way to the kitchen.

"Robbed." Megan scooted over to Normani.

"Betta move before Kehlani high ass beat you with her snacks." Normani joked causing Dinah to snort.

"Her short ass ain't got nun on me." Megan brushed off and ended u getting smacked in the back of her head with the bag of cheetos.

"Hop out my seat." Kehlani threatened jokingly and Megan scooted back over.

"That shit hurt." Megan rubbed the spot Kehlani hit on her head.

Solána also returns with snacks in her arm and Ryan grab her bag of Sour Patch Kids.

"Awh Ryan share!" Normani pouted and Ryan rolled her eyes.

"Fine." Ryan dumped a handful of them in Normani's hand and Normani thanked her.

"OOH I LOVE THIS PART!!!" Ella exclaimed causing Gabriella to sit up.

They watched as Mulan shot the rocket launcher at the mountain and caused a avalanche wiping out hundreds of troops.

"Woah..." Dinah muttered eating a cheeto.

"She's such a badass." Ella sit back with a smile on her face.

As the movie continued Normani turn her body so that she's sitting on Dinah's lap and have her feet on Kehlani. Solána and Ryan had cuddled up in a cover that Ryan went to get. She let Solána in the warmth because of the snacks. The movie ended and Megan grabbed the remote.

"Any other suggestions?" Megan asked.

"Princess and the Frog." Normani answers first and Megan shrugged putting it on.

They get their self comfy as Normani runs to get a cover for everyone else. She throws one at Ella and Gabriella, put another one on Megan's head, passed one to Kehlani and went right back in her spot to place a cover on both her and Dinah. Since the theme was Disney movies, the watched all that they liked until most of them fell asleep. The people who was sleeping were Normani, Dinah, Kehlani (bitch knocked), Ryan, and Solána. Megan gets up and stretch her legs and look to see Gabriella and Ella chit chatting.

"Pssst, y'all tryna prank the girls?" Megan asked and they looked at each other before nodding.

The prank was popping balloons which will trigger mainly Kehlani since she was living on the streets most her teen days. The three blew up at least two balloons before finding a nail to find them. Going behind the couch, Megan counted down from three and once it hit three, they popped all the balloons making everyone jolt away.

"Fuck." Kehlani let out rubbing her ass as she leaned on the couch from falling off of it.

"Y'all some hoes." Ryan threw a pillow at Megan and Gabriella, one missing Gabriella the other hitting Megan in the stomach since they are the only ones laughing.

"Whhhyyyyyyyyy???" Normani groans cuddling into Dinah who was rubbing her head.

"Goodbye I'm going to bed." Solána exited the room.

"Me too." Ryan rolled her eyes and Normani gets up as well.

"Come you two." Normani practically dragged Kehlani and Dinah to her room.

"Damn, it was just a prank!" Megan yelled after.

"Yeah that's a way to end the night. Goodnight Megan." Gabriella laughs before leaving with Ella follows.

"Goodnight y'all." Megan yawns before going to bed herself.

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