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Megan was the first up, as usual, since she was getting ready to work out. She walked downstairs and saw Kehlani eating fruit, causing them to have this weird stare down. It lasted for a good minute until Normani came downstairs looking at them two confused on what just happened.

"We working out or nah?" Megan asked Normani and Normani raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to stare me down?" Normani teased and Megan rolled her eyes.

"I'm just shock to see another person woke so early and downstairs before me." Megan clarified.

"Morning." Dinah yawned and Normani hugged her around her waist

"Good morning." Normani smiled and Megan shakes her head.

"It's supposed to be hot girl summer, not hook up summer." Megan told Normani who rolled her eyes this time.

"I'm just blocking her print." Normani muttered as Dinah rested her head on top of Normani's.

"Ohh?" Ryan says as she walks in the room holding hands with Sza who had weed in her other hand.

"Good morning." Sza waved as she pushed down her bucket hat to block light from hitting her eyes.

"Gabi, I'm not a morning person." Ella huffed as Gabriella dragged Ella into the kitchen.

"In this house you are." Gabriella smiled as she sit both her and Ella down.

"I'm confused on the ships except these two." Megan ushered towards Dinah and Normani.

"Nothing like being single." Ryan raised her hand and Solána high fives it.

"Don't you-" Megan started.

"No, I think Imma move on from that." Solána twirled Ryan around and took a hit as they both sat down.

Ryan sat on Solána's lap because they are definitely not a lot of chairs for 10 people. Normani leans down in front of them with her head in her arms.

"So like, you two are bestie nows?" Normani wonder with a innocent smile.

"Sure." They say at the same time as Solána ushered for Ryan to take a hit and Ryan pushed it away.

"It's okay, you replaced me with Dinah." Megan patted Normani's back and Normani raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not upset that they are hanging out, but just hang out Kehlani." Normani suggested.

"I like being single." Kehlani joked and Normani rolled her eyes.

"Can I have my pillow back?" Dinah stretched her arms as twisted and turned on the chair.

Normani went to her and sat on her lap as Dinah buried her head in Normani's neck.

"No she's my enemy." Megan said in response to Normani and Normani rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Gabriella wondered.

"She woke up before me, me!" Megan exaggerated and they all ignored her.

They all sat their for another two hours until Solána and Ryan left to go shopping.

"Wanna go to the studio with me?" Dinah asked Normani and Normani nodded as she gets up.

Dinah gets up and follow Normani as Megan's jaw drops.

"That's our thing." Megan whined as Kehlani pats her shoulder.

"Now it's not." Kehlani says as she gets up.

"You're not mean when Normani is around." Megan raised an eyebrow and Kehlani laughed.

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