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"Manz." Dinah called as she knocked on Normani's door.

Normani opened the door before continuing to look for an outfit as she was only in a towel. Dinah entered and closed the door then plopped onto the bed and Normani smirked. She climbed on top of Dinah and straddled her waist causing Dinah eyes to widen.

"Are you fully naked?" Dinah sat up and Normani kept that smirk or her face.

"Maybe." Normani connect their nose and Dinah began to blush.

"You're going to wake my little friend if you continue this." Dinah hands slid up Normani's thighs and Normani connected their lips.

She let go of the towel, having it fall slightly off her body. Dinah wrapped her arms around Normani body as she deepened the kiss causing Normani to moan. Normani's hands began to roam around, under Dinah's shirt before disconnecting their lips and exposed her neck which Dinah trailed her kisses too Normani's neck.

"Now I don't wanna go out." Normani muttered as she pushed Dinah onto the bed softly.

"I'm having deja vu." Dinah trailed her hands down to Normani's ass and flipped them over.

"This time, I'm naked." Normani blushed and Dinah kissed down Normani's body.

"Makes it easier for me, you smell delicious." Dinah stopped over Normani's pussy.

Normani gripped the bedsheets as Dinah began licking her center. Normani bit back the moan while Dinah dives her tongue into the girl, this caused her to let out a gasp then a moan as her grip on the bedsheets tightened. Normani back arches slightly as her legs tightened. Dinah pulled away when she started to feel Normani walls clenched around her tongue. Before Normani could complain, Dinah pecked her lips causing her to blush.

"As much as I am enjoying this, I do want to go on our date." Dinah huffed.

"Then we can just keep it as oral sex." Normani flipped them over so now, she was on top while Dinah eyes wandered, neither of them had no idea where Normani's confidence is coming from and the sheer thought made Normani blush. "Are we moving fast?" Normani asked nervously.

"I mean, I don't mind if you don't." Dinah trailed her fingers up and down Normani's thighs.

"Oral sex is just oral sex..." Normani trailed off.

"But you have never had the oral sex before, Ms. virgin." Dinah pointed out, sitting up so she can wrap her arms around Normani's waist.

"You don't know that." Normani bit her lip as she looks away.

"Alright, then show me." Dinah teased.

"I- Right now..." Normani eyes widened as her lips parted slightly.

"No time better than right now." Dinah continued to tease.

"I...Oh okay. Fine." Normani unwraps Dinah's arms from her waist.

"You're so nervous, you don't actually ha-" Dinah tried to speak but Normani cuts her off.

"Nope, we are doing this right now." Normani puts her hands under Dinah's shirt and began to pull it off.

"Oh we going shirtless." Dinah watched as Normani threw the clothing across the room before taking her bottom lip into her teeth as she stared at Dinah's body.

"Yes, I need to warm you up." Normani explained as she pecks Dinah's lips a few times then trailed kisses to Dinah's neck.

"Warm me up huh?" Dinah smirked as Normani formed a hickey.

"Did you lock the door?" Normani pulled away almost instantly.

"No." Dinah leaned back with a smirk still on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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