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"You ladies ready?" Megan asked and her friends nodded.

They were in the middle of shooting a music video and it was quite a chill day.

"You buying lunch after?" Ryan asked and Megan shrugged.

"Sure." Megan confirmed and the girls nodded.

The theme was a pool party and Nicki plus Ty Dolla $ign were going to be there. It was nearing sunset so it would be a perfect timing to shoot. Everyone was in their bathing suit and just messing around waiting for the other two celebrities to show.

"Ryan stop." Normani giggled as Ryan chased Normani with the watering hoes.

Megan watched the two with a shake on her head until she seen Nicki.

"Hey girl!" Nicki called excitedly and Megan pulled the short woman in for a hug.

"Hey Nicki, Ty is going to be a little late?" Megan asked and Nicki shrugged.

"That man is probably high out his mind, please." Nicki joked causing Megan to laugh.

"Stop that, I'm ticklish!" Normani squeal as Solána hold her down as Ryan tickles her.

Gabriella picks up the hoes spraying all of them causing them to scatter as she die of laughter. She stops laughing when they all charge after her and she starts running. Normani grabs the hoes and follow the girls. Nicki laughs once Gabriella gets caught and Megan turn back to her.

"They crazy." Megan mutters under her breath.

"But they are good friends to have around." Nicki shrugged and they felt an arm being wrapped around their neck.

"Ladies." Ty greeted and Nicki pushed him off as Megan peeled his arm off of her.

"Nigga move, you stink." Nicki clogged her nose and Ty rolled his eyes.

"You acting like you never hit before." Ty tapped the blunt on his ear.

"Oh we have, but you do stink." Megan walked away and Ty huffed.

"Alright ladies, let's get this party started." The camera director announces and everyone cheers.

Throughout the filming, someone caught Normani eye. They were just sitting watching the filming and didn't look like they are working either.

"Normani." Ryan calls causing her to snap out of her trance.

"Huh?" Normani replies looking back at Ryan and Ryan looks at the person she was looking at.

"Ooh, she's cute." Ryan teased causing Normani blush and roll her eyes.

"Shut up." Normani push her lightly and Gabriella swim over to them.

"What's up?" Gabriella asked and Ryan laughs.

"Normani has her eyes on a certain female over there." Ryan points discreetly.

"Oh, she's cute." Gabriella comments and Solána laughs.

She is a quiet person but when it comes to her girls, you'll get her goofy side.

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