Red & Blue

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You were thrown left and right until you were placed down on a mesh meadow of daisy's.Groaning you slowly perk up and look around you, this place you land in was very pretty..

But it was not your grandmother's place.

The heat beams down on your form as you get up, looking around in hope to find something fimialer, but stand there..completely lost.

That was until your instincts kicked in and find yourself dodging a fireball too close for comfort.

"Dame nice reflexes!" Not long your picked up by a unknown hold but recognize the face infront of you "Not gonna say anything but you aren't from here are you twerp?"

Your shyness kicks in, looking away from him, then spoke "N-Not really.."

Hades.The big blue fiery bad villian from 'Hercules' was looking down at you with a not so pleased look.Nothing less soon he began to walk away as he placed you down, not long coming back with two little demons; His mini minions Pain and Panic.

"I'm in a good mood right now kid so how about we make a deal eh?"

You knew he didn't like children in the movie, which makes you wonder why he was talking to you, but make a slow nod like gesture.

"Great cause I was going to make this deal happen either way!" He had Panic and Pain help you up, not long Hades crouched down one to only pinch your cheek tightly then pat it "Now that deal, it's really simple.I need you to be my spy up here.Think you can handle it?"

Spy?Did he already have someone for him to do that?You didn't know but nod, your shyness stopping you from speaking at the moment.

Hades smile like a sadist "Excellent!" not long you find your being clothed in different clothing, it was like boy clothing but not to feminine like.

The blue one then shakes your hand "H-Hi!I'm Panic!And that's--!" Panoc was pushed aside as Pain shakes your hand instead "Pain is my name!"

You knew that but giggle as the two began to fuss and fight eachother, Hades on the other hand was displeased as he watch his minions fight like imbicels they are.

Not long he rolls his eyes, soon shouting at the two "Stop it!We have no time to waste you idiots!!"

Both of them stop and fix themselves up saying a quick "Yes sir!"

"Now let's get going---where did that twerp go?"

Both Pain and Panic were confuse.They expected to see your form behind them but you were not there, they sweat drop knowing this was their fault.Hades, who of course was tall as heck, looks around the meadow of daisies.He was going to blow a fuze if he didn't hear soft muffled sobs eight feet away from them three.And like that, he found the  kid hidden within the daisies, sobbing.

He wasn't good with kids and he knew that "So I'm guessing your the sensitive type huh?" he got a nod as you try to dry your tears, he soon sat down a few feet from you, then keeps talking "Not a fan of yelling I presume, your going to have to get used to that around me."

Pain and Panic never really seen their boss so calm, it was something entirely different and new to the two, but watch as it unfolds more.

"You done crying yet?I like to get going the clock is ticking-."

He didn't finish was he was saying as your up, a tear stain face with puffy eyes, stood closer to him and reach out for his hipitiazing blue flaming hair.He expected to hear you scream in pain and agony but you didn't, you just played with his flames.


The moment he finally heard your voice he melts, not like ice cream, but he didn't expect your voice to be so soft and angelic like.


Both of them stood up "Yes!"

"Go check on my plans, report back to me if anything goes wrong."

Panic got confused at that "But you said-?"

They both froze as Hades thrown as fiery fireball at them, not long they ran and did as told.

You paused your actions to watch the two run, it seem that Hades didn't like that so he leans in more saying a quick "You started this, now finish it!" you found that out of character for him but did it anyway.Not long his hands were on your hips as he began to purr as you continued to have your way with his flames.

Little did you know that showing him affection was going to be your down fall..

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