Bearing Fangs

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To think that you spent a year and a half in the pride lands.Time runs fast and still, seemingly growing bonds with Zazu and Rafiki, it never really developed that much with Scar.

He was a different type of story..

"What are you doing man cub?"

Being you, and having no choice but to be with him once a while, you went up a tree for better distancing for yourself and him "Practicing my climbing skills...which I still lack at."

"You are a man cub, not a baboon tree lover." Scar sneers, really knowing what your actually doing, then shakes the tree "Now come down.I like to introduce you to some...friends..of mine.~"

Scar never really had friends and you knew that, all he had was his brother and greed to be King.Yet he killed his brother and scared guilt trip Simba to run away just to be King Of Pride Rock.

That greed was a trait that seems to get what it wants...

You give him a unsure glare "Who are your friends exactly..?"

"Well that's a change of attitude." Scar was not taken back yet teased you more "Besides, come down and ask them yourselves-."

You did something you shouldn't have done.Shout and bear your fangs at the lion below "Who.Are.They."

From everything you know, cause you love Disney, Scar most likely meant the hyenas as his 'friends' which are more like his plan in motion.The reason he was made King and was in power till the adult Simba comes back to Pride Rock to take what is rightfully his.

Yet was it wise to go so bold this soon..?

"Do not bear your fangs at me little girl, or do you forget that I am a lion and your a weak human cub?" He snarls back, you feeling like your in deep trouble here, not long did he make it worse for yourself "Guess I will need to teach you a lesson on your misbehavior hm?~"

Why did you bury yourself six feet under??

"I-I'm sorry I-!"

"OI!What is taking you so long!?"

"Yeah!What she said!"


In that exact moment did you see that three animals came right in;The hyenas..

The three main stooges.

Scar went into a rather blunt state "Did I not say to come on in?" even his voice of tone was sour.

You took this as him being frustrated with you or that the hyenas did something to infuriate the big bad royal bloodborne lion.

It was neither..

You see, Scar was never really seen as anything but a useless flesh bag of waste.He lacked the loved, affectionate, and glory from his birth parents for they shed it all to his twin.They didn't give him the crown for he was the black sheep of the family.Though titled with 'prince' he was never treated like he wish to be.No choice but to obey the King Of The Pride Lands, not even once.Hell.He wished to be wedded and create his own offspring but by the law if he was not the heir to the throne, for which he is not, not even he can get himself a life long mate to help him create another life to keep his heritage alive and well.

In simple words, he was clearly a nobody..

That was till he grew curious on what the baboon was doing on that horrid day, and just to find out who it was, he finds himself getting attached to you.

A lion and small cub like attachment actually..

To even think that was impossible...

"You will come down or else I come up there."

You, not really into animal facts, didn't hesitate to come down.You knew better to pull a stunt like that but guess what?You did.Now your in deep trouble..

The hyenas immediately gathered around you.It was weird but each of them were asking questions like 'How are you standing on your hind legs like that?' or like 'What type of monkey breed of sorts are you!?' it was actually really amusing to the point you forgotten your troubles.

Scar, who was a lion with no emotions, smiles a small slim soft unnoticed smirk.Yes, he knew what punishment to give you yet seems to feel warm in seeing your cute faces.

Made him kinda not want to go with the all...

"Hate to ruin the Q&A but we must go." You didn't expect to be picked up like a kitten by Scar, not long placing you on a hyenas back, then strides to the exit "Our plan is going to waste the longer we stay here, let's go.Now."

And, to your displeasure, they all did.

Now let's go check in on Hades shall we?

Hercules and Pegasus are, after saving two imposter innocent children from dyeing under rocks, fighting the newly released Hydra.At this point Hercules can't stop to think the more he chops off the heads it only comes back multiplied.

"I-I didn't know t-t-the Hydra can do t-that!" Panic chirps as Pain was thrilled at the very unexpected show before them, soon chipping in "This is awesome boss!!"

Hades grins "My favorite player of all plays.~" not long watching his dumb nephew chop off more heads, making it so much worse for him then he even realizes.

But even though he is still with the plan of killing off Hercules and becoming the new and only ruler of Olympus...he was still in a state of mind, unnoticed by the two minions, for the young human child he grew soft for.

Hell, you didn't even call out his name yet and that's just making things worse!

I mean, what's a ruler without a hier..?

"Boss!Boss!It got Hercules!!" Pain hollers, so ready to see gore unlike Panic who was wide eyed at what's about to go down "T-The Hydra has h-h-him!!"

That got Hades to grin wider "Good.Now this is what I like to call...sudden death-."

It was then right there Hercules used his pea brain and cause a rock valanche to come down on him and the Hydra.Yes it killed his best powerful companion but hey, the kid was finally dead.

He lights his cigar, now happy with the results "Start, game, match."

That was the moment his happiness left as Hercules did survive.Everyone cheering for the 'hero' he is.

Let's say that Pain and Panic almost internally died by fiery red rage...

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