Location Lion

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Mom and, possibly, Dad are stuck with Covid-19.Wish me luck!

Short chappie!!


You been with Hades for about nine months total, thinking that your stuck with him for all your life, but to wake up in a open field with little shade just...wow.

You cautiously stood up, holding Pegasus close "Pain..?...Panic..?" doing a slow twirl you start to feel fear seeping into your heart "G-Guys..?"

No reply.

No life in sight.

No idea where the living honeybee you are now.

"You are rather young to be alone yes?"

Literally loosing your shit you scramble-err beeline for a tree to hide.But did that help?No.Cause immediately the moment you look over to see who it was Pegaus was taken from your grasp as the same voice earlier laughs historically as they hung upside down on the lowest tree branch of that moment of time.Messing around with your stuff toy without a care in the world..

"A pony with wings?HAHA!What splendid imagination HAHAHA!"

You panic went away, soon realized that the voice was Rafiki all along, soon you pout reaching out making the 'gimmie gimmie' hands at him.

He did.

"So what are you?I never seen your kin before?" Rafiki does a back flip off the branch, lands perfectly, then throws you more questions "Where is your herd?Being alone will end in your utter dispies ya know."

You told him the truth "I-I don't know where they are and I-I'm human.." you wanted to question him about how your understanding him but chose not to.

You were literally soaking in that, instead in being in Hercules, your now in The Lion King....but what movie were you truly in?

Rafiki then runs his chin saying a quick "A new species?How interesting.." not long did it last cause he gets up, stick staff in hand, and pokes you to god knows where.

What are you?A rapid animal--...that sounds racist..

So like that you let him 'poke' you to a random unknown direction.

°•○•°Time Skip after struggling to climb a massive tree°•○•°


"Yes pup??"


"Let me guess.." Rafiki cleans his hands, for he was painting, then waddles his way over to your form "...you do not like heights?"

Immediately you nod.You were deathly scared of falling out of the humongous tree Rafiki calls home.

He then snack a pear from his stick staff "You will be fine as long you stay away from the weak branches." then splits it in half, throwing the other half to you as he chews down on the other half.

The moment you were about to take a bite in comes a bird, a familiar bird, soon perching itself a few branches above your small form.

"Bird brain what seems to be the problem hm?"

The bird huffs "It's Zazu you bafoon.Did you forget today is the young masters second birthday?"

Rafiki shrugs "Did he request me?"

"Not really--."

"Then why must I go?I have a visitor here ya know."

That comment got Zazu to look around, deathly confused, but once he saw you he completely freaks the living hell out.

"A MAN CUB!!??"

You wince at the raised voice, Rafiki seemingly okay with it, but not long Zazu was doing mad fast circles in the air above.Panic, fear, and so many other negative things coming at him from every angle.At this point he may go face first into a tree branch..

"I-I don't mean harm!"

Rafiki, who was in his own special place of mind, huffs as Zazu kept on going about 'Danger to be near!Must be away!Get rid of it!' but what he do?

The moment Zazu was close enough to the ground Rafiki bonks him on the head with his stick staff, knocking out the Lion King's royal bird companion.

"If she was true danger she will not be here." He huffs, soon finding his happy place once again, then goes to the bird "See you till sunset!" then kicks Zazu into a bird cage his size, setting him aside for now..

You blink, so confused at what happened "...was..was that necessary?"

"Oh yes!It was that or I loose my mind hehe.~"

You nod.Seeing he was not wrong.Still kinda felt bad that Zazu had to be thrown into a cage unconscious though...

"Do not let those words get in your head.He does not know you within little time like I have, you good soul.No danger at all."Rafiki caught you off guard as he force your head down on a make shift leafed pillow, soon covered by a make shift blanket, not long Rafiki was near you painting once again "Your welcome to stay as long as you need, ot is not everyday I get visitor fufu.~"


Getting comfortable you held Pegasus close, finding comfort in that moment of time, soon your eyes got heavy..

It only took one lion cub painting later for Rafiki to notice the soft sounds of snores, soon he looks over to see your tired form.

He chuckles "Good night (Y/N)." soon getting onto a painting again, this time painting you then anything else on his mind.

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