Suspicion arises

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*click click* *click click*

"Hoo~ interesting" a guy with black hair and glasses stares at his computer screen tapping his desk at midnight, looking amused while smirking.



Kaoru and Hikaru drops down on the club room's couch complaining. 

"Ugh it's so tiring with the two of us all over the place today~" they whine. *Double Smack Combo*  

"Ouch what was that for?!" They turn around to find Haruhi with two books in her hands. "Stop whining!! We did a lot of hosting too y'know? Look!! Even Tamaki - senpai's sulking in the corner since I stole his customer!!"

Pft - They hear a faint laugh coming from Kyoya and looks over

"Your refutes have gotten really sharp, Haruhi, that's good"

"Yeah! Haru - chan's gotten really good!! Right, Mori?" 


 "Arigato Honey - senpai"

"Anyway Kaoru, Hikaru, mind telling us now? What exactly happened to Shoru?"

Everyone froze. Especially the "twins."

"I - it's nothing", they both said in unison. Sweat dripping down their backs.

"Then why haven't we seen him this year? You're both here and he isn't, we didn't ask the first day since you were acting weird, but it's been a week."

It's really nothing!! Kaoru yells

Yeah!! Hikaru adds on

Tamaki, who was out of his slump went and sat on the couch with his legs crossed looking like the king he is, while Honey and Mori drags the twins off the couch. With Kyoya standing on his left side, Haruhi on the right, with Mori and Honey standing in the middle behind Tamaki, they all stared at the twins who were on the ground.

"Uhh I have a question", Haruhi says

"What is it Haru - chan? "Honey responds

"Who's Shoru?"

"Oh right, you don't know him" said Kyoya. "They're triplets, Shoru, Hikaru, and Kaoru."

"Right.. right..." Then realization hit. "WAIT WHAT?! They're not twins?!"

Haru - chan, Haru - chan, the thing is -- 

*Proceeds to tell their relationship*

                                                                                         -- To Be Continued

                                                                                         -- To Be Continued

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The Hitachiin Triplets ~ Haikyuu OHSHC CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now