Back to the Past

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Flashback to when the triplets were 5 -

"Nii - channn let's go out and play!" Hikaru and Kaoru both said. The reciever of those words were Shoru, who looked like he wanted to go with them, but hesitated since he had to go to his next class as the future heir. He hesitated and pondered, looked back at his younger brothers who were cutely giving him their big doe eyes. He sighed and gave in.

"Okay, but let me go tell mom and dad first, so wait at the entrance for a bit ok?"

"Sure big brother!!" "Alright but hurry!" were the instantaneous responses from his younger siblings who looked like they just hit a jackpot.

With that, they separated ways. Shoru proceeded to his dad's office, knowing his mom would also be in there too. *knock knock* "Come in!" The warm voice of his father resounded from inside the room. Slowly opening the door, he went in and asked for permission from his parents, they, of course agreed, and told Shoru to take care of his brothers and be safe.

Meeting up with his brothers, Hikaru proposed they should ride bikes, and naturally Shoru and Kaoru agreed. Shoru said that Hikaru should share a bike with him, since he didn't know how to ride the bike well, but Hikaru was stubborn and refused, so he got on his own bike. 

They rode along the road, at first everything was smooth until Hikaru decided to leave his brothers behind and attempt doing tricks he's never done before. He sped up towards the busy streets, but the brakes didn't stop (they were rigged) and he started to panick. Luckily Kaoru who was riding closely behind him, pulled his hoodie, and he fell of the bike, sprained his ankle, but was safe. The bike continued and got crushed though. Hikaru bursted out crying from pain, and Shoru who just arrived at the scene immediately proceeded to give first aid treatment. 

They abandoned their bikes, and proceeded to piggy back Hikaru home, he was crying the whole way, and once they made it, their parents immediately rushed to Hikaru, pushing Shoru away in the process. They babied Hikaru, and checked on Kaoru, completely forgetting about Shoru, who fell to the ground. He, who blamed hismelf, went in and cleaned up first. What they didn't know was that while Hikaru fell off his bike, Shoru was desperately trying to catch up, his bike, however, was also rigged, and he almost got run over by a passing car, injuring his head in the process. 

That night, his parents called him to their office, said they heard from Kaoru what happened and blamed Shoru for not being there and helping his brothers when they almost died. 5 year old Shoru looked down to his feet, ashamed. Hearing no response from her son, his mom slapped him, and told him to look up. She proceeded to scold him, and hit him here and there while his dad just coldly glared at him. 

He then said "Stay away from your brothers or they'll be next". Too scared to speak he nodded, not just for him, but his brothers too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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