17 // nightmares and distance

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I woke up feeling a large figure shaking below me.

"M-Michael?" I whispered, my groggy sleepy voice coming out.

No response was made but Michael contained to scrunch his face and make little noises. I assumed he was having a nightmare. I think I saw on a documentary that you're never suppose to wake someone when they're sleep walking or having a night mare or some weird shit could happen.

I laid there watching him. I felt bad because he was probably scared. His facial expressions kept changing and his fists would clench and un-clench.

"Ki-Kit." He whispered very faintly. I wouldn't have noticed if the TV was still on.

I reached up and rubbed small circles into his shoulder. I figured if I couldn't actually wake him up, I would attempt to bring comfort to him.

Michael tossed and turned a few times before his eyes opened wide and fast, almost in a blink.

"Fucking hell." He stood up, almost falling and storming out of the room.

"Michael?" I stood to my feet checking his bed side alarm.


Michael was slouched over his bathroom sink breathing heavy with his eyes closed.

I wrapped my arms around his bigger frame awkwardly trying to comfort him.

"Are you okay? What happened." I asked quietly.


"About what?"

"If I told you, I'd be embarrassed." He said laughing ashamed.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." I said back.

Michael quickly turned around and looked down to me.

"I had a dream that Jessie came and kidnapped you." He said covering his face.

"Did he?"

"Yes, but it was like you were okay with it- sorta. You didn't have a choice because he shoved you in his car and I tried stopping him but his car wouldn't fucking slow down and I don't know why but I hated that. I never want to see those images again." He said leaning down and putting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Michael?" I whispered.

"Yes." He grumbled back.

"What is this?"

"What is what?"


"Let's just- Kit. Go back to sleep. I'm tired, you're tired." He didn't bother grabbing my hand or telling me to follow him but I did anyways. I knew he wanted me there. I was just curious and I was some what disappointed when he shot me down so quick.


Morning flew around and Michael barley spoke to me. Last night, when I asked him what we were, he seemed to distance himself. I didn't like it.

"We should um, get you home to your moms." Michael said to me handing me some toast.

"Oh-yeah, right. Okay." I said. I was very disappointed. It was 9:30 in the morning. Michael woke up early and the sound of the bathroom door slamming work me up also.

He threw on a light jacket, the fall air slowly getting colder and took his keys and wallet off of the coffee table slowly walking towards his front door.

"Are..are we okay?" I questioned grabbing my jacket as well.

"Never better." he shrugged closing the door and walking ahead of me.


The ride back was so fucking awkward. I hated it.

Michael didn't speak, it wasn't like that. Maybe he didn't want to be anything other than friends. I didn't believe that was the case. He was always being cute with me and making excuses to hold me and stuff.

Why now? Why did he need to distance himself?

"Here we are." Michael said pulling into my driveway.

"Thanks." I spoke under my breath making sure to slam his car door on my way out.

Michael didn't leave until I was safely inside and that was something I admired about him. No matter what the situation was, I knew that he cared.

My moms were still not home yet as I searched all the rooms of my house.

As I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, a text came in.

Michael: I'm sorry.

I apologize for the shortness of this chapter. I haven't updated in a while so wanted to give you guys something to read. xx


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