1 // drunkies & musicals

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Is there a word that is stronger than frustrated?

"What do you mean something came up?" I raised my voice into the phone.

"Baby, that's exactly what I mean. Something came up." Jessie slurred.

He was drunk. He always did this.

"Call me when you're sober, you fucking burnout" I said hanging up and quickly shoving my phone in my purse.

What an asshole. You'd think after two years of being with my boyfriend, he would manage to be put down the fucking beer bottle and show up to date nights that he plans. No, not Jessie. I dragged myself out of bed. I put time and effort into myself because I wanted to impress him.

I was now standing alone with a popcorn bag and a movie ticket in my hands in front of theatre 5. No date? Awesome.

"Sounds like a bit of an asshole you're dealing with there." A scruffier voice rung from the side.

I looked up- literally looked up at the taller boy who stood beside me. He had a worn out Green day tank on with some ripped skinny jeans. His eyebrow was pierced- same goes for both of his ears. He also had this ridiculously noticeable reddish-faded dyed hair. Some what intimidating but seemed quite harmless. I swear he looked familiar. He was from my school I think.

"What's it to you?" I said in a snarky tone of voice.

"Just sounds like you've been ditched by some asshole. It's nothing to me, babe. It's your problem." He said flicking his head on my direction.

"Jesus, if I knew tonight was asshole night, I would've just stayed home." I stood looking at the nameless boy who was accompanied by three other boys behind him. They were somewhat lost in conversation.

One was extremely tall. Typical dream boy for any teenage girl. Blonde, blue eyes, nice taste in style and a black metal that pierced through his bottom lip.

Another was shorter than the rest. Very attractive yet again. His hair was kinda messy life he forgot to brush it..kinda a light brown. His hazel eyes could be an easy distraction. He smiled which showed off his huge dimples.

Finally, the last boy seemed quiet. He was Asian, no doubt. Well..I'm sure. He had a shaggy head of black hair but it was actually a faded blonde in the front. Messy which was attractive and chocolate brown eyes. He looked kind of miserable.

Why did this guy have so many attractive friends?

The boy threw his hands up in defence.

"Just stating the obvious. Sorry, I'm Michael Clifford by the way." He said sticking out his hand. He had really pale hands. Abnormally pale almost. Also, two tattoos I observed were there. An anchor one and an X shape were printed onto the skin.

"It's too bad I never asked for a name." I pushed by him into the theatre and plopped myself into a chair. This was gonna be so stupid - seeing a movie by myself. I had to make the most of it.


By the third song in the movie, I almost lost my mind. I wasn't aware that the movie "Into The Woods" would be a musical and I was almost falling asleep or waiting for something cool to happen.

This was so stupid.

I picked myself out of the seat leaving my half bag popcorn on the ground and taking my purse. I exited the theatre to use the washroom having no intentions of going back to the horrid movie.

As I finished, I made my way out only to be greeted with a cheeky grin. The same boy- Michael I believe stood outside the ladies washroom handing me the cheesiest attempt at a smile ever.

"Didn't enjoy the show?" He questioned.

I just rolled my eyes walking away from him again. Why did he need to follow me like that?

"Where are you going?" He walked behind me.

"Uh-home?" I said quickly pushing through the building' front doors. It was already dark out.

"Do you have a car?" He asked. He was actually sort of scaring me.

"Who even are you? What the fuck?" I said walking through the small cinema parking lot.

"I already told you who I am. I'm just extremely anxious to know who you are." he hummed back.

"Well, don't. I have a boyfriend." I cringed at the awful excuse to get him to go away but it would've had to work.

"Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't get to know you on a personal level." I turned to him finally.

"Don't you have friends to get back to?" I said looking up to him again. His height was fairly towering over mine.

"I do have a car and judging by this-" he pointed at the bus stop I was standing beside
"It looks like you don't." He smirked again.

"I have this." I said pulling my monthly bus pass out of my purse. Jessie was suppose to drive me but he told me if he's ever five minutes late to try and take a bus to our dates. Asshole.

"I don't need a car. I need to get home. See you later." I said waving him off. He didn't budge.

"I can't just leave. I don't even have your name."

"Kit." I said back quickly wrapping my arms around myself. It was getting cold and the next bus wouldn't arrive for another forty five minutes.

"Well, Kit, I do have a warm car. I could quickly drive you home in a non-creepy way. I'll even let you drive if you want." Michael said. I looked at him. He seemed harmless but I still seemed uneasy.

"You're not some crack dealing, sex addict, pedophile..are you?" I said.

"No? Well, I mean not the pedophile part but.." he said starting off. I slowly backed away until he started laughing.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. C'mon." He reached his am hand out but I didn't take it. I just walked past him.

"Or you could do that." He laughed jogging next to me.

YAY! NEW FANFIC! I'm so excited. This was only chapter one so kinda lame but haha it'll get better.


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