Chapter 8- Final

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I know I know. I have been really bad at updating this fanfic. But it is one of my favorites. SO THERE WILL BE A SQUEAL! After I finish anything can happen and maybe do a short fanfic or something then I will start the squeal. THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! I hope you enjoy!

I finished up packing. This vacation went by so fast I couldn't believe how fast it actually went. My parents and Vic's went out to get some lame knick-knacks. I don't even fucking know.

"Hey kell bear?" I looked up from my suitcase and saw Vic standing in the door way.

"What do you want?" I said carelessly.

"Can I show you something?"

"No, can fucking not." I snapped.

"Who died? And put you in a pussy ass mood?"

"You know. No one fucking asked you!" I could feel the tears come. I just wanted to disappear. I went to zipper up when a tear dropped onto my hand, I sniffled. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and the smell of old spice. Vic was hugging me. Chills went down my spine. I was of aware that he wanted me. I was just a waste so what else was I going for? All Jaime wanted was sex all Vic wants is sex. Maybe I am just made for sex.

"Now?" He whispered into my ear kissing behind it slowly kissing down to my neck. I let out a gasp when he started to suck my neck.

"Vic..." I groaned. I slowly started to become hard. I hear him chuckle as he turned me around and undid my belt buckle. I let out a shaky breath. He started to palm me threw my boxer.

"Does Kellin like that?" He asked as if I were a child. I just moan in response. He stopped touching me. I whimpered craving his touch. "What was that?" He question.

I groaned. "F-Fuck yes I like it." You saw the side of his mouth curve up into a smile.

"Thought so." He smiled triumphantly. He put his hands inside my boxer and softly wrapped his around my member. My breath hitched. He slowly started to rub his hand up and down my member.

When he ran his thumb over my tip I would whimper and he would smile. "Faster...please" I begged. He just sped up his movement of his hand. I felt the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. "I am about t-to" then he lend over and kissed me pushing me on the bed. He took his hand off my member and I whimpered in protest but he just ignored me. Pulling the rest of my, pants and boxers down and off. He stood up and kisses my neck whispering in my ear "You might be about to cum but I am not." I could feel my cheeks heat up. He took the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up taking my shirt off. He walked over to the night table opening the drawer taking out a condom and lube.

"See I am remembering." I just dismissed his comment because I wasn't going to hold back my load. I wrapped my hand around my member and slowly started to move my hand up and down. When Vic came back over to me, he roughly pinned my hands over my head. He looked me in the eyes. I couldn't tell if he looked guilty, love or if that's look in his eyes where just lust. But he looked and my face he took one hand and slowly crashed my face biting his lip in thought before breaking the look and kissing me deeply, I Kissed back deeply. Quickly forgetting about they look. Everything flew out of my mind when I felt a finger slowly slide into me. I was I let out a groan.

"Good things come to be who wait, babe." I felt my heart flutter when he said babe. He slowly slid another finger inside of me. Moving in and out. All of a sudden he hit one spot in side me that almost made me let everything unload. "Oh, not yet." With that said he lined himself up with me. He didn't give me a warning her just rammed me into me. I cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He knew I could cum at any second I could feel how hard he was I knew he was the same. He rolled his hips hitting my sweet spot making me scream. "Vic! I am going to." He lend over and kissed me deeply and it wasn't just a normal regular kiss this had feelings on both end. He started to thrust faster as he wrapped his hand around my member to help me cum faster. As soon as he did I lost it. I pulled back from the kiss "Vic!" I cried out as I came into his hand. He just let out a moan as he started to slow down indication he came too.

I relaxed letting out a deep breath after he pulled out. He looked at me let out a small smile before his smile fade and his turned bake into stone as he grabbed his clothes and walked out of my room. I grabbed out my iPod letting out a deep sigh putting on music. I got up grabbing a new pair of clothes from my bag and climbing into my bed for a nap. Just as I did I heard my parents walk in the house. I was too tired to deal with them.

*Vic's Pov*

I walked out of Kellin's room putting my shirt back on going to my suitcase to grab a new pair of boxers. I let out a frustrated sigh as I put my pants back on. "Fucking shit." I felt my heart start beating my shirt back on going to my suitecase to grab a new pair of boxers. i ked out of my room. I "What the fuck do I feel?" I walked into the living room seeing my mom walk in with a bunch of bags.
"Victor, sweetie would you mind helping me with the bags?" I nodded, not saying anything. I walked over to her, without saying a word. "Vic is you okay?" I put the bags down on the table nodding.

"Hey, I will be back I am going out." my mom didn't answer so I looked up and she looked at me. She was studying me; she was trying to find out what was wrong. I knew she couldn't know what was wrong if I didn't even know. She just looked at me and nodded.

"Be back before dinner." I nodded walking out the door and to the beach side of the house.


I must have been walking for 10 minutes but I found and old abandoned dock. I walked to the edge and sat down letting my legs hang over. I started to sort my thought out my thoughts as I watch the sun go down.


*Kellin's Pov*

"Kellin honey wake up." I heard someone's voice say as the shook me. I just groaned in response. "Kellin. Sweetie get up, dinner is ready." I opening my eyes squinting seeing my mom.

"I'll be there in five minutes." she sighed.

"Fine, five minutes." Then she got up and walked out of my room. I rolled over facing the ceiling. 'What am I going to do, about the dumb boys?' I thought to myself. I just shook my head and sat up. I heard my door open.

"Didn't I just say five minutes?" I snapped.

"You didn't tell me that." I turned around to see Vic. I just rolled my eyes; turning back looking down at my hands. I felt the weight of my bed shift.

"What do you want now?" I asked not bothering to look at him.

"I am not gay." I could swear my jaw drop. I had to bite my lip so I didn't laugh. "So I was thinking..." he trailed off. I turned around to face him and I stood up.

"Are you telling me that you aren't gay? But you like to fuck me?"

"I am not fucking gay because I fucked you." This time I laughed.

"Vic hate to break it to you. You fucked a gay, you can't use no homo." I was trying so hard not to die of laughter.

"It doesn't. You I came here to talk to you about something but I guess it is just not worth it." He stood up walking to the door.

"Vic no, I am sorry. What do you want to talk about?" He turned around and looked at me. He smiled.

"As much as I love a girl as much as the next guy I was just wondering if maybe we could be friends with benefits' tried so hard not to roll my eyes.

"But I thought you aren't gay?"

"I am not. " I thought for a moment. Maybe if he spends more time with me he will find out his true feelings for me. I know there is a more then just 'friend' feeling.

"But we aren't even friends." He rolled his eyes.

"Alright fine we are acquaintance with benefits." He is going to need a lot of work. Come on Kellin you can do this.

"Alright. When we get home we talk more about this. But on one condition."

"Which is?"

"You are nice to me." He sighed deeply.


"Boys dinner!" my mom yelled. I went to walk out of the room but he grabbed me and kissed me deeply.

Don't worry I will have him begging on his knees for me.

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