Chapter 3

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I woke up with back pain. Remind me again of what I did to deserve this punishment. I looked out the window a sunny summer day. Just great. I got up and looked over at the bed to see Vic wasn't there.

I heard the shower run and I walked out into the living room to find a note on the coffee table. That said

We all went out on our own. Take Vic around for a tour.

Aw thanks mom, Leave me alone with devil. I sighed walking into the room grabbing a change of clothes. Going back to the living room.

"Morning fag." Vic said slapping the back of my head. What the actual fuck is wrong with him.
I groaned. "well someone isn't a morning person." he said with a grin.

"Well you won't be either when you read this." I snapped handing him the note. He grabbed it. reading it over and over again.

"No. No Fuck no. I came here to hook up and find a summer crowd not hang with a fag like you"
I chuckled. "This isn't funny. Quinn."

"It's funny because you think you are going to hook up with girls. like our parents would allow us to bring home girls." I laughed.

"Like you could bring home a girl." He snapped. I glared at him and grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom getting changed. I sighed knowing there is a huge chance that I would see Jaime. My ex boyfriend. I came here every summer and I would see him every summer. He was the guy who ran the show around here in this town and I was just the random kid who came here every summer since I was 6. So he was always marbleized about the stories I would tell him and he was always upset to hear about all the kids that bullied me..meaning Vic. When I would come her every summer for two weeks or a week we spent almost everyday together. When I was here it was him and me. I fell in love. He was my everything. We talked on the phone every night when we weren't together. we video chatted. I tried so hard for us. So one night last year we decided to take our relationship to another level. He took my virginity from and then just left me and never talked to me again. I laughed at myself for being so naïve.

I looked at myself in the mirror fixing up my hair and putting on my toms. I walked out and saw Vic siting there watching T.V and eating. "finally! I been waiting since forever!" I rolled my eyes as he got his shoes and started putting them on. I walked outside and down the stairs.

It was so nice to be greeted by the ocean and the nice breeze. I smiled but snapped out of it when Vic came up next to me and slapped my back. "So you were thinking about me again. I rolled my eyes.

We started to walk and since Vic doesn't know the town I have to show him around.

After 15 minutes of awkward silence we got to the town, Vic decided to stop and walk the other way. "where are you going?"
I asked.

"To find the cool kids and not be around you. Maybe to find a girl and bring her back." I shrugged walking away.

"Yo Quinn!" That voice. I cringed. It was Tony perry. Jaime's best friend. I looked up at him and faked smiled. I never really disliked him. He was my friend but then again everyone here who I thought was my friend turned on me when Jaime turned on me.

"Hey perry." I said shyly.

"You going to Jaime's party tonight?"

"No I didn't get invited..."

"Well here is your invite." He smiled.

"What's going on here?" Vic said come up behind me.

"Quinn, who is your friend? New boyfriend?" Tony asked. I laughed. Vic took a few steps away from me.

"So what going on here?"

"Well I was just asking Quinn to the Jaime's party. He is guy who runs this town."

"I was just about to decline." I interjected.

"Come on kellin." Vic whined.

"Vic. I am not going you go."

"Come on kellin. your parents to you to show me around."

"Fine." I sighed giving in.

"Sweet, Quinn! Yo kid we can show you around." Tony said pointing to the group coming. I saw Jaime. No No. This can't be happening. "Then Quinn can meet us at our usual place."

"Sounds cool. By they way it's Vic Fuentes." I was going into panic mode.

"Look it's the fag!" Jaime shouted everyone laughed at his joke. Vic looked at me. I started shaking and I froze.

"Kell?" Vic whispered.

I just stood there.

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