Chapter 6

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It was around five in the afternoon when Vic woke up. I was sitting in front of the TV when I heard the bedroom door open and footsteps walking towards the kitchen. I did not dare to even glance at him. I couldn't look at him in the same way. Yes I wanted to pounce on him and ride him like Donkey Kong. Where the hell did that thought come from? Pull your shit together Kellin. I thought to myself. I shook my head. I need to start thinking clearly. Vic is the enemy and I hate him. I went to get up. Vic was in the kitchen so I couldn't go get a snack. I heard my stomach growl. Fuck I was hungry. I got up to go to the bedroom but when I turned around I bumped into Vic. We looked into each other's eyes. None of us making a move to either walk away or speak. I decided I was going to talk; when I opened my mouth to talk there was a knock on the door. I walked to open the door but regretted it as soon as I saw who was standing there.

"Hey Quinn." Jaime spoke giving me a smirk.
"What do you want now?" I huffed. His playful smirk was soon to fade.
"Look nobody in the group has power. You're the only" He tried to look past me but I stood in front of his face so he couldn't "you're the only one who might have power. The group has nowhere else to chill." He continued.
"So what's that got to do with me?"
"Come on kell we could get up to what we used to do on days like these." He said softly has he reached for my hand but I pulled away.
I looked behind him to see the "group" coming up the stairs; they're only a few feet away from us. "Jaime for the hundredth time, I don't want to sleep with you! You're really bad and bed and your dick is way too small to please any guy. So kindly fuck off!" With that I slammed the door in his face. I turned around with my back agents the door I could still hear them talking. "That fag doesn't know what's good for him" a girl said. "Yeh he is a loser anyway, babe." That killed me. How could someone else call him babe? I loved him. I still do. Jealousy was getting to the better of me. I slid down the door and pulled my knees to my chest and my face into my hands. Why couldn't I just disappear? Why did I come on this stupid trip? I hate it here I just want to go home. I want to be anywhere but here. I felt so pathetic just crying into my hands.
"Hey, don't listen to them kells; they don't know what they lost." It was Vic's voice. I didn't dare to look up.
"Go a-away." My voice was so shaky. Why did I have to be so sensitive? I could feel hands on my wrist and before I knew it my hands weren't holding my face up anymore, there were two hands on the side of my face forcing me to look up. My tears made my vision blurry and Vic looked so fuzzy threw my tears. I felt them fall down my face and as they did Vic would wipe them away with his thumbs.
"Kell" he said softly as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.
"Why does he want to hurt me? All I did was love him." I don't know why I was seeking comfort from him; I just felt so safe in his arms. When I said I the word love Vic's grip tightened on me. I shrugged off and just kept crying.
"Shh shh it will be okay." He said as he rubbed my back. I don't know how long we sat there because by the time I was finishing crying and he let go of me it was pitch dark outside.
"Why?" I said softly as I played with his fingers still not daring to look up at him. Right now we were sitting in the middle of the living room him in front of me sitting across from me.
"Why what?" I thought he was going to shake his hands away from mine but he didn't he just let me play with his fingers. They were rough but soft at the same time.
"Why did you help me, when I was upset?" this time I looked up at him. He was looking down at me.
"because." He said and shook his hands away from mine and got up. Avoiding my question. He looked into my eyes. He bit his bottom lip like he was thinking of something. His eyes kept flicking to my lips and back up to my eyes. He laced our fingers together. He looked down at our hands it's like he realized what he did because he quickly pulled and got up and walked away. I just sat there hoping he would come back; but I didn't want to go after him. I played with my fingers and a few minutes later Vic came back and sat back down in front of me. I looked at him he had two beers in his hands. "Here" He said coldly as he handed me a beer. I took I didn't care that we were underage.

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