Chapter 5

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I kissed him. I just kissed Vic Fuentes,my enemy. The guy I hate with everything in my body. I slammed my lips agents his.

I felt his lips kiss back softly, at least that is what I thought. Then I felt two hands on my shoulders, that slowly pushed me away. I looked up at Vic and he looked at me.

"I am sorry,I didn't I just didn't..I-I" I tried to say something but couldn't form the words.

"Kellin it's okay. I understand heat of the moment." He gave me a small smile and then kept walking. I looked at him as he was walking, I am supposed to hate him but all I want to do is kiss him. I whimpered at my own confusion and started to walk behind him staying a few feet away. It wasn't helping that it started to drizzle. Just fucking great.

When we walked into the house we didn't look or speak to each other. We just went in our own room. I never like being alone at night when there was a thunderstorm going on. I have been like that ever since I was a kid. When Vic and I were younger every time there was a thunderstorm he would find a place for us to hid and I would cuddle into him shaking and he held me tight. I smiled at the thought. But I simply snapped out of my day dream when I heard the thunder. I sat in my bed and started to shake, I pulled my knees to my chest. This is just fucking great, my feelings are mixed and I am scared shitless, plus my parents aren't here and I just want my mom here with me. She knows how I get. The thunder is getting closer and louder and I am shaking more and more. I felt tears form in my eyes. I was such a cry baby when it comes to this shit.

I heard a knock at my door and it startled me. I didn't want to answer I just couldn't move. So I sat there in the corner of my bed shaking and crying into my knees.

"Kellin?" A voice said softly. I barley heard it and I didn't bother to look up. I just want to disappear and be gone from everything. I felt the weight from my bed change, before I knew it I was being pulled in to a hug. "Shh it's okay kell I got you." I didn't care why he was doing it I just wanted comfort. I hugged him back calming down from shaking but just as I thought it was over the thunder came back it didn't help that there was lighting too. I started to shake again and tears sprung back into my eyes. I was being pulled down onto the bed and I was sitting on top of Vic. he reached into his pocket it and grabbed his headphones and phone and put his headphones in my ears blasting must into my ears. I started to clam down it was the Blink-182 song I miss you.

Before I knew it Vic pulled me down and softly put his lips onto mine kissing me softly. I kissed back softly. Next thing I knew we we having a make out session.
After a short make out session I laid down next to him and cuddled up next to him. I couldn't hear anymore of the storm because of the music but I still wanted his comfort. My feels were starting to become a little more clear. That night I went to bed dreaming about the guy I thought I hated. Vic Fuentes

The next morning I woke up still in Vic's arms. I didn't want to disturb him so I slowly got up and walked out of the room. I looked around the house to see if my parents had come home yet. It was 1:00 in the afternoon after all. That's strange.

I opened up the door to look outside. It was a mess. A street light was down on the road a tree was some home in the road. Trash cans all over. It was bad. What if something happened to my parents or Vic's. I couldn't spend another night with him. I ran to my phone. 6 missed calls. from my parents. I ran into my room and shook Vic to try to get him up.

"Go the fuck away." he groaned. Someone isn't a morning person.

"No, wake the fuck up something might have happened to our parents." I sat down at the end of the bed and called my parents back before he could ask any questions.

"KELLIN HONEY!" My mom yelled over the phone as I put her on speaker.

"Hey mom."

"I am so glad you're alright. Your father and I thought something bad had happened since it was a thunder storm."

"No mine I am fine. but how are you guys is everyone alright?"

"Yes yes. Mary and Victor are Fine, Your father and I are fine. How's Vic."
I really want to say a dick because I was still pissed at him for fucking with my feelings and Vic rhymes with dick. But I didn't.

"He is okay. When are you guys coming home?" I asked quickly to change the subject.

"And that were the bad news comes in. Kellin we won't be home for a day or two, at best. There were huge trees trees that feel and destroyed something messing up the streets so we can't go anywhere outside of this town. But you and Vic have food and what not so you two should be okay. Your father and I are about to go walk around with Mary and Victor, we will talk to you later. love you, you stay safe."

"Love you too, mom. Be careful!" and with that she hung up.
Two days or more alone with this guy? Can my heart handle this?

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