Chapter 4

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Jaime walked up to me I looked at him but didn't move or say anything. Just stood there frozen. A million memories flashing in my mind.

"So look the little fag came back for more fun didn't he?" The grin on his face was wide and just pure evil. I went to run but he tripped me. I grabbed my wrist and held it tight, I stared to tear up.

"What the fuck dude?" I heard Vic yell as he came over to me. Does he really care? No that can't be. He kneeled down next to me and held my wrist in his hands.

"Aw look the fag is getting help from his boyfriend." Everyone looked at us and laughed. Tony just look at me apologetically. As they walked away.

"You should really be more careful." He said softly and moved my hair out of my face cleaning the dirt off me. He really does care. I blushed a little. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Kellin! Sweetie!" I turned my head and saw my mom, my dad and Vic's parents all running towards us. My mind finally processed what was happening and I quickly pulled my arm away from him. That sneaky little son of a bîtch he did this just to seem like an angel to our parents. "kellin sweetie!" My mom still yelling as she came over to us. I glared at him as my mom helped me up.

"If it weren't for Vic here who knows what that kid would've done." Victor said patting Vic on the back.

"Nice going, son." Victor said. I was mentally kicking myself forever thinking Vic cares about anyone then himself.

"Kellin are you okay?" My mom asked looking at my wrist. I nodded.

"Alright, well we were on our way back to tell you guys we will be out of town tonight. So you both will be in the summer home by yourselves." Vivian said sweetly.

Can this vacation honestly get any worse then it already is? I groaned and walked over to beach. I heard my mom call after me but I just ignored her. "Don't worry marry, I got this." I heard Vic's faint voice in the distance. Our parents said something but I didn't care to be honest. So I kept walking till I got to the beach.

"Kellin wait up!" Vic yelled after me. I just walked faster. Vic can hang with anybody and do anything he wants but he can't toy with my feelings. What am I even talking about. I hate Vic and that's a fact.

I got to the beach and sat down lost in my thoughts. I heard someone come near me I looked to the side to see Vic. I got up to run away but he got close enough to grab my wrist. "kell. Stop I can't run after you." I glared at him.

"I don't care. You are only do this to be a fucking kiss up." He gave me a blank stare.

"Come on. Sit here and talk to me." I shook my head no but sighed. knowing I was gonna give in.

"Kellin. I can tell something is wrong. Sit down and talk to me." He said as he sat down on the sand and let go of my wrist. I groaned as I sat next to him.

"So what's with you and that Jaime guy?" I took in a shaky breath. But I know I was gonna let everything pour out and I'll regret it.

"Well last year he made me his official boyfriend. We were friends before and acted all flirty with each other. The night of his birthday, I let him you know like...go further with me." He cut me off.

"Wait...wait..wait. Kell had sex?" I nodded glaring at him for interrupting me. "Sorry..Sorry. Continue."

"The day after that was my last day her until the last week of summer. So we had plained a date. He ended up standing me up. The morning after that he didn't came goodbye. But when I got home he told me he thought we should see other people. So last summer I faked being sick so my parents made me stay home that week."

"Wow. Someone else got with Kellin. Didn't think you had it in you." he said patting me on my back. I laughed playfully pushing him.

"Shut up. Your not the only one who can get in someones pants." We laughed. I smiled and so did he.

"Come on let's go home and get ready for the party."

"No come on don't make me go." He grinned.

"Let's flip a coin. Heads" he said with a wink. "you go to the party. Tales you stay here." I nodded. "2 out of 3."

He flipped the coin, heads. really? Come on god. Anything? He flipped it again. Heads. Thanks god I said sarcastically to myself.

"Either way your going." Vic said as he put the coin in his pocket.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"YEP! Come on let's get ready." He said walking towards the house.


We got to the party. A couple of girls walked by eyes and got Vic's eye. When we were walking he promised to stay with me the whole time. That was soon thrown out the window. He looked at me.

"Just go." I said. I was kinda hurt, but he was Vic.

"You sure?" I nodded. That's all it took before he went and followed the girl. I walked into the kitchen. There was Soda and beer. I had some soda and walk around for a bit. I said hi to some people I know and had small talk with them before they went on with there night. I looked at Vic who was smooth talking to that girl. I rolled my eyes.

I saw Jaime with another guy. I felt a pain in my chest. He walked over to me. "Quinn!" I looked up at him as he reached me. "hi jaime." I said softly. "Hey fag." I smelt the beer on his breath. The other guy said something to jaime before walking away. I turned around walking back to the kitchen. "Hey! Where are you going?" Jaime called after me.

"Back to the kitchen." I said hesitantly. He grabbed me and pulled me close to him, he looked at me with a big grin on his face.

"Come on show me what you can do with that mouth." He said with a wink. Yep. He was drunk. No doubt about that.

"I will not blow you!" I shouted pulling away. He laughed.

"I don't want your skanky ass anyway. you fucking can't blow or fuck for shit, fag!" At this time he was yelling over the music. Everyone heard him. Everyone was looking at us. I felt someone grab my hand.

"Leave my boyfriend alone." a voice said next to me. Vic. I looked at him threw the tears in my eyes. "In matter of fact Kellin is great in bed. He just need the right time to show him a good fucking." Everyone ooo'ed and AHHH'ed. Vic pulled me towards him and planted a big kiss on my lips. He picked me up and slammed me up agents the wall and kissed me deeper. Well we have to make this believable. So I kissed him deeply. Before I knew it we were making out. We pulled apart and he let me down. it was nothing but quite. Everyone staring at us. "come on Kellin let have a real party." Vic said with a wink. I looked at jaime. His jaw dropped. Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. Once we were out of there we made sure the coast was clear before we broke out laughing.

"Did you see his face? That was priceless." He let go of my hand. I swear we were crying of laughter. Once we calmed down, we looked in each other's eyes. I blushed and put my hands on his cheeks pulling his face close to mine his lips hovering above mine. Next thing I knew my lips are in his.

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